Roommates au

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DanielleHarris402 wanted to see Fontaine move in with Jess Alpheus Finn Alana and Maddy. This is basically an aged up best friends au. Enjoy!

Fontaine had turned eighteen a few weeks ago. A lot had changed in the last two years. For starters Alana had finally had enough of Hammerhead's sh*t, she'd grabbed Finn and Maddy and left in the middle of the night. She was planning on staying on Alpheus' sub but after the jellyfish incident that wasn't an option anymore. So they stowed away on the Aronnax until they were closer to Alpheus' new apartment.

Alpheus, of course, had to get a new apartment. He ended up just buying a house instead. The house they moved into had a fairly big back yard, six bed rooms and two bath rooms. Alpheus had gotten the extra two rooms incase Fontaine of Jess decided to come over for the night.

Fontaine was extremely thankful for this. Ant had gotten more annoying over the last two years and she was more than happy to move in. She lied to her parents and said it was just her and Jess staying in the house, they bought it and let her move in. She got to the house with all her stuff around noon. She'd managed to talk her parents out of helping her move in so she was all alone. She grabbed her bag and suit case out of the taxi trunk and walked up to the door. She knocked and the door was opened a few seconds later.



The two hugged. Jess helped Fontaine get her bags upstairs to her new room. It was bigger than the one on the Aronnax. She set her suit case down on the floor then the pair made their way to the kitchen.

As they were walking there Maddy came out of her room.

"Hey Maddy."

"Oh when did you get here?"

"I just got here."


Fontaine heard a loud crash from down the hall then a door opened.


Finn ran down the hall to greet her.

"Hey Finn it's been a while!"

Fontaine hugged him and smiled.

When Alpheus finally dragged himself out of his room it was already dinner time. Alana had already order pizza and it was on its way.

"Oh hey Fontaine."

"You look like you haven't slept in weeks."

"That's accurate. Alana can I have some coffee please?"

Alana set a cup of coffee down in front of him. He drunk it in less than a second.

"That can't be healthy."

Alpheus shrugged. A few minutes later the door bell rang.


Maddy bolted to the door. Alana sighed and followed her.

After dinner they all sat down to watch a movie. Well everyone expect Alpheus, he said he had to go get something for work. He of course came back half and hour later with six kittens.



Alana and Maddy started laughing as Finn processed to yell at Alpheus. Alpheus just stuck out his tongue and made his way to his bedroom.

"He's not allowed to leave the house unsupervised!" Finn yelled as he sat back down onto the sofa. Fontaine and Maddy got up and went to go see the new kittens. They both ended up sleeping on the floor beside them.

I'm just imagining Kaiko showing up and Alpheus answering the door only to immediately slam the door and run to hide.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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