Alpheus the cat au

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So basically as the sleep goes on Alpheus is going to get more and more cat like.

Fontaine had noticed a few things seemed to be off about Alpheus. For starters he'd taken to knocking things off tables, she'd watched him looked down confused the first few times he had done it. She had decided to test something out. She borrowed Ant's later pen and waited until she and Alpheus were alone before testing it out.

Alpheus was half asleep on the sofa beside her. She smiled and turned on the pointed. It took a few moments before Alpheus noticed, at first he didn't seem to do anything then he suddenly jumped forward and tried to catch the dot. Fontaine couldn't stop laughing as Alpheus chased it around the room. It took Alpheus a few minutes to come to his senses but when he did he was angry. He turned to Fontaine and hissed.

"Awwww come on this is funny and you know it!"

Alpheus hissed one more time before climbing up onto the back of the sofa. He glared at her for most of the night.

It was early in the morning. Fontaine and Alpheus were both asleep on the sofa when Ant ran in holding a potion.


Alpheus immediately sat up, he was practically smiling. Ant poured the the potion gently onto Alpheus head. A few seconds later Alpheus was covered in smoke. When the smoke cleared Alpheus was not human, he was still a cat, well actually a kitten he was only slightly bigger than palm of Fontaine's hand.

"Awwwww, you're so cute!"

Alpheus glared at Fontaine as she struggled to stop laughing. Alpheus hissed at Ant as he stood there stumped.

"I don't get it! I followed the recipe it should work!"

"Well it didn't."

Fontaine watched as Alpheus attempted to jump up onto the sofa that was now far to big for him. Ant ran out yelling about getting new ingredients and starting from scratch.

"Alpheus do you need some help?"


"I know you’re trying to be intimating and all but you are adorable."


Fontaine eventually just picked Alpheus up and set him down on the sofa.

"There isn't that better."

Fontaine scratch behind his ears for a second and her hand was immediately pushed aside. Fontaine turned on a random movie and waited for Alpheus to calm him down. Less than ten minutes later Kaiko walked in.

".... what happened to Alpheus?"

"Ant thought he found a cure, but it just made him smaller."

"... he could fit in a coffee mug."

"That's a great idea for out Christmas card!"


"You know that is a great idea!"

Alpheus looked like he wanted to murder them. Alpheus actually tried to he jumped on Fontaine and began hitting her with his paws. Kaiko started laughing. Fontaine just picked Alpheus up and set him down on the floor. He struggled for a good five minutes before giving up and running over to Kaiko.

"Awww is she bullying you?!"


Kaiko tried to pick Alpheus up but he made a mad dash for the vents. He used the vents to get to the study where Ant and Will were going over their book of potion and spells. He crawled out and walked over to the table.


"Oh my god Ant what did you do!"

"As I said, I messed up."

"He's tiny."


Alpheus walked over to Jeffrey's tank and sat down beside it. He fell asleep quite quickly and luckily Kaiko couldn't find him.


Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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