Pirate au x Httyd au

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Second one today I'm on a roll!
Pirate Alpheus au x httyd au. Enjoy!

Finn was walking down the floating market. This part was fairly quite, it was all but abandoned and falling into disrepair. He was out there looking for Kai, she'd been missing for the last few hours and the dark orca was about to leave. He was about to head back to the dark orca when Kai trotted up to him. With a baby dragon on her back.

"... Good girl."

Finn said as he turned and started heading back to the dark orca.

Kai could sneak inside all on her own but the baby couldn't so Finn ended up using some of Flows scales to make them invisible and get them inside. They eventually got them to his room and set them down next to Melody, a death song Kai had brought back.

"Cinder and Flow must be with Maddy... what am I gonna call you... well what are you anyway."

Finn goes to Alpheus' room. Alpheus had spent a lot of time studying dragons he'd brought every book he could find. Including an old journal called 'the book of dragons'. They mainly used it to identify dragons and from there they could decide how to take care of them.

When he found the book he walked back to his room and sat beside the baby.

"No, no, close but no, no, ah! You're a razor whip. Never seen one of those before."

Finn scratched under the razorwhips chin. A few seconds later Alana and Tripod walked in.

"... is that another dragon?"

"Yep a razorwhip!"

"... Where's the wing Maiden?"

"Wing Maiden?"

"Alpheus told you this yesterday!"

"Do you know how many rants he goes on about dragons and cultures based on dragons!"

Alana sighed.

"Baby razorwhips are born blind and defenceless. The Wing Maidens protect them until they are old enough to rejoin their pack. So where is the Wing Maiden?"

"I don't know Kai brought them back!"

Alana sighed again.

"I'm going to look for them. You are going to stay here and tell Alpheus where I'm at. Where'd you find Kai?"

"The abandoned part of the floating market."

Without another word Alana left. She went down to the engine room and did some light sabotage so the dark orca wouldn't leave. She then got on Tripod and had him fly her to the other side of the market. It was to dark for anyone to see her anyway.

When she got there she started looking. She didn't see much of anything until she noticed.

"....A night fury..."

She gestured for Tripod to stay back then slowly made her way towards them. The dragon was injured a broken wing for sure. They had a hunters net wrapped around most of its tail. Alana pulled out her knife and walked towards their tail. She was about to cut the rope when she heard a low growl. She looked up to see the night fury awake and glaring at her. She quickly cut the rope and backed off.

"Heyy buddy, its ok."

Alana dropped her knife and held up her hands. The night fury stared at her for a few seconds before lifting their wing and revealing and injured girl.

"That's not good."

And now Alpheus is going to ask Kayda a hundred and one question about dragons.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now