Ghost au

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This it the forth on today omg

More ghost au let's go, this time some back story trigger warning character death.

Finn had lived in this mansion for as long as he could remember, he knew ever room ever corridor ever passage way like the back of his hand, when he was a kid he and Maddy would spend hours playing in the garden their favourite spot was just past a line of trees that cleared into a meadow. They would sometimes sneak out there at night and star gaze.

Their dad was rich and everyone knew it, Finn had learned from a young age that people would use him for his money, but he didn't care he never stopped trusting people no matter who many times they used him.

Maddy remembered once playing hide a seck with her brother she'd managed to climb up a book shelf and slip open a secret hatch on the wall, she'd stayed in there for hours causing panic among the maids as they frankly looked for her. When dinner time rolled around Maddy came out and acted like nothing had happened much to the relief of the maids, non of them wanted to lose their jobs.

There life was perfect, sure their dad was always too busy to talk to them but they had eachother, one night everything changed. Late one night while waiting for their dad to come home, Finn and Maddy heard a glass shatter down, they ran down the stairs they were so excited to see their dad because it was Maddy's birthday and he'd promised her a big surprise. When they got down there they weren't met by there dad but a strange man they'd never seen before.

"What are you doing?" Maddy
asked the man

"Come closer and I'll tell you." He said

Finn was old enough to know better, he grabbed Maddy's hand and was about to make a brake for the door, when he felt a sharp pain in his back, he heard a scream and them everything went black.

When he woke up Maddy was there, they both knew what happened, the both knew they'd died but neither of them said anything.

The mansion stayed empty for years which wasn't a bad thing Finn and Maddy got free rein of the place but it got lonely after a while. So when new people moved in they were over the moon, a couple with one kid moved in, the kid was a little older than Maddy when she died. They talked to her a lot just never in front of her parents, her name was Alana. They spent hours with her teaching her all the best hiding places and where all the secret passageways lead to. She lived in the house for five years but one day her parents kicked her out and they never heard from her again.

When Alana's parents moved out, the house was filled almost immediately by a single couple, they were loud and obnoxious. The two decided to get rid of them and did everything in their power to drive them out. The couple left within a month.

The house lay empty for almost thirty years before the Benthos Family moved in, this time the ghosts made a decision to keep their distance, and a few years later they hated themselves for it.

Ha cliffhanger.

I still haven't really decided what to do for Alpheus' death so I'm making two drafts and posting the one I like most.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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