Kaiko adopting Finn au

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Heyy @DanielleHarris402 suggested I do this so enjoy

Finn was walking around the floating market, things were quiet, well quiet for the market anyway. His dad had sent him on some random errand just to get him off the sub. Finn wasn't surprised to find the dark orca gone by the time he got back. 'It could take hours before they notice.' Finn though as he sat down and pulled out his favourite book.

Finn was only three chapters in when he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Oh, hey Kaiko

"Hello Finn, how are you."

"I'm doing alright, you?"

"Just fine, now I need to talk to your dad."

"Oh he left."

Kaiko stopped for a moment, she looked confused.

"Your dad left you here?"

"Yea, but it's ok he'll notice I'm missing in an hour, maybe two."

"Not good enough, your coming with me."

Finn could already tell his dad was really in for it when he got back. Finn followed Kaiko back to the Aronnax, once they got there Kaiko immediately dragged Finn to the kitchen while yelling at Will to get Finn some warm clothes.

"Kaiko really I'm fine."

"Sit, don't make me tie you to the chair."

Finn thought she was joking, but just incase he sat.

"Hey mu- oh Finns here, anyway mum can we watch Rise of the Atomic Monsters tonight pleeeaase?"

"You know the rules Ant, you choose last week it's Fontaine's turn."

Ant let out a loud groan before turning to Finn.

"You'll help won't you?"

"Hey don't drag me into this, I don't even know why I'm here."

"Your dad left you alone on the floating market."

"It's not the first time he's done it."

Kaiko looked like she was going to murder hammerhead.

"That's it your a Nekton now."

"That tool long that I thought it would." Ant said between giggles.

"Mrs Nekton-"

"Mum "

"- what?"

"I'd better call professor fiction I'll need to get you a wet suit."

Kaiko hands Finn a sandwich and walks out of the kitchen.

"What's going on?"

"You've been adopted, welcome to the family."

Finn blinked a few time.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Mum randomly adopts children, it's normal."

"No, no it's not normal."

"It is in our family."

Finn looked at Ant like he was crazy.

"I'm pretty sure this is kidnapping."

"Mum prefers the term 'surprise adoption.'"

"Do I at least get my own room?"

Ant nods.

"Hey Ant have you seen my skate board." Fontaine says as she walks into the room.

"No sorry."

"Hey Fontaine."

Fontaine doesn't even look surprised.

"Is he?"

"Mum adopted him."

"Of course she did, well Finn welcome to the family, they're all idiots good luck, you'll need it."

"Why are you two acting like this is normal?"

"It is You'll get use to it."

With that Fontaine walked away. Finn got up to follow her.

"Randomly kidnapping people is not normal."

"Well it's not kidnapping it's adoption."

"It's kidnapping."

"You can take that argument up with mum."

Finn is so confused.

Please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and tell me what you'd like to see next.

Thanks for reading.

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