Foster mum au

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William's getting more kids, they're Charlie and SerrianGovender oc. Enjoy!

Alana was settling in alright. Maddy, Finn and Alpheus had immediately welcomed her back into their little family. Kayda however had taken a little longer, she'd tried to run away five times in the first few weeks but unfortunately for her every time she tried to get away they were always out at sea. She hadn't tried escaping recently and the Nektons had taken that as a good sign.

Kaiko had been called out last minute for a marine expedition. She was gonna be gone for a few weeks and William was in charge. He made Kaiko promise not to get any more kids while she was gone. Kaiko was a little disappointed but she promises. A few days after she left William got a call from the fostering agency.


"Hello William, we couldn't get in contact Kaiko, do you happen to know where she might be?"

"Oh well Kaiko was called out on business a few days ago, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Well there's a five year old here named Charlie who needs a place to stay. If there any chance you could take her?"

Will sighed.

"I'll come pick her up in an hour."

"Thank you, I'll see you soon."

Will hung up and sighed again. He walked down the hall towards the moon pool. Just before he left he went to go get Kayda from the living room. She was in a blanket fort with the rest of the kids.

"Hey guys, I'm going out for a while. Kayda you're coming with me."

"What why do I have to go?"

"You can stay home unsupervised when you stop running away."

Kayda reluctantly got up. Only to be immediately swarmed by an army of children and pulled back into the fort.

"We'll make sure she doesn't escape, promise!"

"Sorry Ant, maybe next time. Come on Kayda let's go."

Kayda managed to crawl out of the fort with Will's help. The two then made their way to the rover.

"Thanks Will, I really need a break from them."

"I know they can be a little overwhelming, but that's not the only reason I asked you to come with me."

"What do you mean?"

"... the foster agency called and I didn't have the will power to say no."

Kayda started laughing.

"Don't laugh this is serious, I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I've never picked up kids and I don't want to scare her!"

"It's ok, you can do the talking I'll handle the kid."

"Thank you so much."

The pair hopped into the rover and they were soon on land. Will rented a car so they could go pick up the new kid.

When they got to the agency it was long past dark. They walked in the door and were immediately greeted by the receptionist.

"Hi William, can I help you?"

"Oh yes well you see-."

Will was cut off when the receptionist noticed Kayda standing beside him.

"Ah I see, Kayda is quite the trouble maker I'm sure we can find someone to take her off your hands."

"Um no thanks I'm actually here fo-"

"There's no shame in it William, I'm sure even you and Kaiko have your limits."

"Look Mr, I'm not here for-"

"I'll just call someone to take Kayda and-"

"You are not taking my daughter anywhere!"

The receptionist seemed shocked at Will's out burst.

"We're here to pick Charlie, the agency called."

That's when Will's friend from the agency walked out of one of the elevators. He had two kids behind him.

"William, its good to see you!"

"You too Frank. Is this Charlie?"

"Yes, now I know you said you'd take Charlie but Ashley just came in a few minutes ago and I was wondering if you coul-"


The girl ran past and hugged Kayda. William smiled as Kayda gently hugged her. William looked back at Charlie who was starting to fall asleep. Will gently picked her up.

"What we're you going to say?"

"I was going to ask if you could take both of them but I think I've got my answers."

"Haha, yeah. Can you just send me the paperwork and I'll have it done by the end of the week."

"Will do, thanks William you're a life saver!"

As they left William glared at the receptionist one last time. He was just relieved Kaiko wasn't here or things would have gotten ugly.

On the car ride home once Ashley and Charlie had fallen asleep, William decided he and Kayda needed to talk.

"Are you ok Kayda?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"... I'm sorry I kept running away."

"It's ok Kayda."

"I just needed to know that Ashley was safe."

"You really care about her don't you?"

"She's like a sister to me."

Will smiled slightly.

"You know that man was wrong. We'll never send you away Kayda, you're family."

Kayda didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride home.

Williams gone over to the dark side! There's no one on the Aronnax that won't just give in to Kaiko's demands.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works.

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