Atla au

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I'm doing back stories on every starting with Alpheus and Kayda.

It was mid winter. Alpheus and Kayda were playing in a forest on the outskirts of the village. Kayda's parents were taking a business trip and we kind enough to bring Alpheus along with them. They we eight at the time and while Kayda could already bend fire Alpheus was showing no sighs of fire bending. His parents had asummed he was a non bender and no longer put him through rigorous fire bending training. The two had be exploring for hours when they came across a small lake it was completely frozen over.

Kayda made the mistake of walking out onto the ice thinking it was frozen solid but as the ice cracked beneath her she knew she was wrong. Just before she could fall through however a large vine of water wrapped itself around her and flung her away from the crack. Luckily she landed in a pile of snow.

"What was that!?"

"I-I don't know d-did I do that?!"

"I think so. This is so cool you're a water bender!"

"... we can't tell anyone."

"What why not?"

"Kayda promise me you won't tell."

"I promise.... why don't we both run off together?"


"When we're older we can run off and find other water benders to teach you!"

"That sounds fun."

"So it's a deal?"

Kayda held out her hand and Alpheus shook it.


Eight years later and the pair were sneaking down to the docks. Kayda was supposed to leave tomorrow and begin fighting on sea with the Navy but as they dumped the few bags they had brought with them onto the deck of thus old fishing boat they knew they'd made the right choice. It was still dark out as the pair set sail for the earth kingdom. The two had grown a lot, Alpheus who was persevered to be a non bender had trained in the art of the sword. He preferred his dual blades to any other weapon in secret he had practice his water bending. He was actually decent although his forms looked awfully similar to fire bending was still able to freeze water and make weapons out of it.

Kayda had decided to join the Navy in hopes of learning enough to get to the earth kingdom. Luckily for her they made her learn how to pilot a ship and how to fix minor repairs pretty early on and she had had plenty of time to practice and prepare. The two knew that they were almost in the clear. There was only one blockade between them and the open sea and at this time of night those on the night guard wouldn't be able to see them. They heald their breaths as they past between two ships and out onto the ocean. They were finally free.

While their original plan had been to find Alpheus a water bending teacher the two eventually decided that their energy would be better spent in the earth kingdom towns offering help to anyone who needed it. As the sun began to rise Kayda felt much more alive than she had in years and it wasn't just because of Agni shining down on her.

Who's back story do you guys wanna see next please let me know!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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