Tranquilliser au

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The tranquilliser au continues.

Alpheus had been on the Aronnax the last two days, he was eager to leave. Kaiko said if he didn't show any signs of infection by the end of the week he could leave. So when he woke up on the third day with a headache and feeling nauseous Alpheus internally cursed himself.

When he sat up he didn't feel any better in fact he felt worse, puts his head in his hands and waits for the world to stop spinning. Eventually Kaiko walks in.

"Alpheus are you ok?"

"The rooms spinning and my heads killing me."

"I'll get you something for the pain, but your gonna have to let me see your cut."

Alpheus nodded and Kaiko lifted his shirt slightly.

"It doesn't look infected witch is good, I'll go get you some painkillers and some food."

"Thank you."

When Kaiko got back Alpheus was worse, he had a fever. He took the painkillers but he couldn't eat anything, Kaiko didn't make him. She let him lie back down and go to sleep, she decided to stay just incase things got worse.

After a few hours Alpheus woke up again, Kaiko got him to drink some water and convinced him to eat something. Less than five minutes after he woke up he fell back asleep, this continued for the rest of the day, the Nektons took shifts so that someone would always be there when he woke up. Nearing the end if the day it was Fontaine's turn to keep an eye on Alpheus, when he woke up he was actually fairly aware of what was happening.

"Hey Alpheus, how are you feeling?"

"Better than this morning."

Fontaine smiled.

"That's good, do you want something to eat?"


"Do you want something to drink?"

"No I'm fine."

Fontaine nodded and sat down. A few minutes later Alpheus spoke up.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Why are you putting up with me, you don't have to."

Fontaine looked at him, she noticed how exhausted he looked how sad he looked, she'd never seen Alpheus look this venerable before.

"Because we want too."

"That's not a real reason."

"Yes it is."

Fontaine got up and walked over to him, she placed a hand on his forehead.

"I think your fever might have gotten worse, I'm gonna get mum you stay in bed ok."

When Fontaine and Kaiko got back Alpheus was asleep again. Kaiko woke him up to give him something to take down his fever, after that she let him fall asleep. Will walked in around dinner time he had two plates one for Kaiko and one for Fontaine. After the two ate they stayed with Alpheus, neither of them thought it would be a good idea to leave him on his own. A few hours later Ant cane in, he suggested they move Alpheus to the living room so they could all watch movies, Kaiko agreed with Ant maybe a change in scenery would do Alpheus some good.

When they got him to the living room the Nektons started looking through Netflix to see witch movie they should watch, they eventually settled on how to train you dragon. A few minutes into the movie Alpheus woke up, his fever had gone down witch was a relief. Kaiko helped him sit up, she then sat beside him, Alpheus didn't say anything when she did and he didn't sat anything when she rapped a blanket around him. Alpheus wasn't really paying attention to the movie the Nektons had put on, he was to caught up in his own thoughts, he was starting to release that he actually liked it here and was worried. He was worried the Nektons would make him leave.

Ant seemed to notice that something was wrong with Alpheus, he got up and walked over to him.

"Alpheus, hey is everything ok?"

Alpheus nodded, but Ant wasn't convinced, he sat down beside Alpheus, he looked over to Kaiko she seemed just as worried. Half way through the movie Alpheus was been dragged into a hug by Kaiko and she wasn't letting go, Alpheus didn't mind tho he felt safe with the Nektons and he didn't know why. When the movie ended the Nektons were quick to put on another mainly because Kaiko did not want to let go. Eventually they had to go to bed, Alpheus was surprised when William picked him up and carried him to the study he thought he'd have to walk. Alpheus spent the whole night thinking, he didn't want to leave and he didn't know if the Nektons were serious about keeping him here he was really hoping they were.

We are basicly just screwing Alpheus over then shoving him towards the Nektons and yelling 'ADOPT HIM GOD DAMMIT'

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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