Foster mum au

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It was still dark outside when Alana and Kayda woke up. They had just ran away from their previous foster home two days ago. The little money they had was starting to run out. So the two decided stealing was their best option. They walked out onto the streets, there was hardly anyone out.

After a few minutes they spotted someone. A woman who looked to be in her forties, she was walking on her own. Alana snuck up behind her while Kayda walked over and distracted her. Alana had stolen a lot over the years and she'd never gotten caught, until now. The lady turned around and grabbed Alana's wrist right as she grabbed the wallet.

Two hours later both of them were locked in a jail cell on a submarine.

"You just had to steal from the leader of the woa didn't you?"

"Oh shut up and help me look for a way out."

"There is no way out, it's a jail cell!"

"Just help me!"

Meanwhile on the bridge.

"Commander, we are receiving a call from the Nektons."

"Answer it."

A hologram lit up. It showed Kaiko Nekton and she looked angry.

"You arrested two kids!"

"They stole from me!"

"Oh so you arrested them!?"

While Kaiko and Pyrosome argued, Alpheus Jess Fontaine and Finn were sneaking aboard. Ant Maddy and Griffin  were distracting Will so he wouldn't try and stop them.

"We are so gonna get arrested."

"Pyro won't arrest us. It's to much paperwork. It's easier for her to just let us have the kids."

"You act like you do this all the time."

Fontaine and Jess both smiled as they popped open a hatch, it was just big enough for them to slip through.

"Let's go get our idiotic siblings."

"That's the spirit Alpheus!"

It took them less than five minutes for them to find the jail cell. Alpheus, Alana and Finn recognised eachother right away.

"What are you two doing here!?"

"Our foster mum sent us here to get you two."

"Yea," Jess cut in "Mum wants to adopt you two!"

"Did she not hear about the whole stealing thing?"

"Oh she did. She just really wants to adopt more kids."

"Your foster mum is weird." Kayda said from her corner.

"Hey! .... well I mean you're not wrong but still!"

"Come on let's go before we're caught."

Alpheus opened the panel by the door and moved around a few wires until the door opened. Finn immediately ran in and hugged Alana.

"HEY!" A guard yelled from down the hall.


They bolted back to the hatch, when they got there Alpheus gave Alana and Kayda a rebreather each and the booked it back to the Aronnax

On the bridge.



"I got to go BYEE!!"


Kaiko hung up and made her way to the moon pool. When she got there all the kids had already arrived. She locked to moon pool so no one could get in.

"Hi I'm Kaiko and you are?"

"I'm Alana."

"I'm Kayda, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Now why don't we get you two settled in. Kids got tell your siblings they can stop distracting their father."

"Ok mum!"

Fontaine and Jess both ran out of the moon pool room. Finn and Alpheus both wanted to help Alana get settled in. Kaiko didn't mind and told the boys to show them to the spare rooms while she got them something to wear.

"So Alana what do you think?"

"I think I agree with Kayda, you're mums just a little bit crazy."

Kaiko's run out of kids to adopt Oh no! What should she do now?

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now