rtte au

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So this is basically the httyd au but set in viking times. Enjoy!

Alpheus was born in a small village. There wasn't many people but those who lived there were like family. Alpheus had worked in the forge from a young age. His father had died fighting dragons and his mother had no time for him. By the time he was ten he was a skilled blacksmith he'd often be left alone to fix and make weapons. He'd often spend hours walking in the local forest, it was always quiet there and no one ever bothered him.

One night he was out in the forest, it was long after dark but he didn't feel like going home. He was miles away from the village when he heard a noise in a nearby cave. He wandered inside only to find a small white dragon all alone. Alpheus didn't know where their mother was but decided to leave some food he'd brought with him near the baby. He decided to come back tomorrow, if the mother wasn't there then he'd just have to take care of them.

He came back the next morning as soon as he could get out of the forge. When he got to the cave the little dragon was still there and awake.

"Aww, hello."

Alpheus picked the dragon up and started to think of a plan to sneak them into the village. He decided it would be best to do it right now, most of the village was in the great hall celebrating.

It was surprisingly easy to get the dragon into his out and up to his room. The dragon seemed happy to be carried around and started whinging when Alpheus put her down on his bed.

"Shh no you need to be quiet!"

She wouldn't stop until Alpheus picked her back up again. Alpheus had to wait until she fell asleep before sneaking downstairs and grabbing some food. He decided to name the dragon Kai.

It was almost six years later when Alpheus decided to run away, he'd made a saddle for Kai and gathered enough supplies to last him a few weeks. He waited for the sun to set before he and Kai flew away from the village.

After a few months of travelling Alpheus found a large island covered in small dragons he'd named night terrors, he'd decided that he'd stay for the night. Well a night turned into a week and a week turned into a month. It wasn't long before Alpheus started to think of this place as home. He'd built a small house and a decent forge, he didn't really need anything else. Alpheus spent most of his time exploring the near by island and getting adopted by dragons, the first time it had happened it had been a whispering death, Alpheus named her Astrid and took her back to his island. He had thought it was just a one time thing but as the weeks went on more and more dragons followed him back to his island.

He and Kai were on a late night flight when the spotted it. A boat in the distance. Alpheus wanted to check it out, he made Kai come in low and fast. When he got closer it was clear to him that this was a dragon hunters ship. There was no one above deck, Alpheus considered this a sign that he should free as many dragons as possible before the hunters awoke.

He was just freeing the last dragon when he was grabbed and flung against the wall.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on my ship?"


The hunter turned just in time to see Kai de-cloaked and shoot a blast his way. The hunter just managed to doge. Alpheus quickly opened the cage and jumped onto Kai's back. The pair just managed to escape. They could hear someone below them yelling orders at his crew but it was too late, the dragons were long out of range. Many of the dragons followed Alpheus back to his island, he was glad that he was able to help free so many dragons, but something told him that would not be the last he'd see of those hunters.

I'm probably going to have either Fontaine or Ant crash land on Alpheus' island and just desperate try to befriend him while Alpheus does everything in his power to avoid them.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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