Cursed au

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This was suggested by DanielleHarris402 what if the dark orca actually got cursed.

It started out like a normal day on the dark orca. They'd stopped on the floating market and as per usual Hammerhead got into a fight with someone. This particular someone was believed to be a witch. They'd curse people and it would always come true. They'd cursed a member of the dancing mermaid saying they'd brake their leg. The next day the pirate fell down a ladder and sure enough broke his leg. Finn had begged his dad to leave it alone but he just couldn't. The witch laughed and said.

"Your ship may be an omen of bad luck Hammerhead but it seems it have infected you and your crew."

"What the hell are ye talking about!"

"Oh you'll see."

With that they walked away. Hammerhead dismissed them claiming that curses weren't real. Alana looked read to murder him.

The next day Hammerhead walked into the kitchen, he grabbed his favourite coffee mug only for the handle to immediately break off. Hammerhead dismissed it, it was an old mug and he had plenty of others. Later that day a panel Alana had just fixed fell as Hammerhead walked past. The metal cracked as it hit the floor.

After that incident the entire crew started to notice things. They were small a first. A missing shirt, a few broken coffee mugs and some conveniently placed shoes that tripped the crew. But as time went on things got worse.

Maddy was out swimming, she was far from the dark orca when suddenly her oxygen tank burst. Luckily she was able to surface in time. Finn had to come out in the red claw to get her. The next day Finn was talking to Fontaine when the laptop he borrowed from Alana suddenly exploded. Like literally caught on fire. He threw it off his bed. He released his mistake when a pile of clothes in the corner caught on fire.


A few seconds later Alana ran through the door. After she put the fire out she turned to him.



Alana stared at him for a few seconds.

".... it that my laptop?"

"... yea."

"The one I use for school work?"

"... yea."

"You're dead to me."

Alana turned and walked out.

After two weeks several crew members had quit and Hammerhead still wasn't taking the cursed seriously. It wasn't until a pipe fell on his head, twice. He eventually went back and apologised to the lady. Finn, Maddy and Alana were all there to make sure he didn't mess it. And Hammerhead being Hammerhead, he found a way to mess it up.

As soon as they got back to the dark orca Alana started packing her things.

"What are you doing?"

"Quitting then asking the Nektons to adopt me."

"Why the Nektons?"

"WOA won't try to hunt me down if Kaiko's my mum."

".... can me and Maddy come?"

"Yea sure pack your bags then meet me in the moon pool room."

First of all I'd like to say thank you. Secondly I like to say wtf, when I started this book I thought I'd update once or twice a month and maybe get to ten of twelve chapters but here I am at chapter one hundred!

I might be abandoning this book I'll decide tomorrow, but if there's anything from this book that you'd like to use in your own works feel free to do so!

Have a great day/night!

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