Tranquilliser au

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I got the suggestion from dragonwoman33 enjoy

Kaiko and William were exploring some unstable ruins, there had been reports of a mysterious sea creature attacking the locals anytime they got too close. They decided to bring a tranquilliser gun with them, they didn't want to hurt the creature. They weren't expecting to find Alpheus, he had a massive rock crushing his leg.



Will ran over and pulled the rock up so Alpheus could get his leg out. Kaiko knew Alpheus' leg was broken and she'd probably need to take him back to the Aronnax, she also noticed the blood on his side. She walked over to check the wound, Alpheus let out a few hisses as Kaiko poked at the cut on his side.

"We need to get you back to the Aronnax."

"I'm fine, I don't needed your help."

Will started trying to convince Alpheus to come back with them but Kaiko just took a tranquilliser dart out of the gun and stuck him with it.


Kaiko said nothing to him, she pulled ot the dart as he lost consciousness. William shook his head.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"Well he wasn't going to come with us willingly. We need to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding."

Will carry Alpheus back to the Aronnax with Kaiko walking beside him keeping pressure on Alpheus' side. When they got to the Aronnax Kaiko clean and stitched the wound, she then took x-rays of his leg to see if he'd need pins put in, luckily for Alpheus he just needed a cast. When Kaiko had finished the cast Ant walked in.

"... uuh what is he doing here?"

"He's hurt."

"I thought he'd be fighting you tooth and nail."

"He would be if Kaiko hadn't stuck him with a tranquilliser dart."

"You stuck him with a tranquilliser dart?"

"Yes I did, can we move on?" Kaiko said while packing up the medical equipment.

"Sure." Ant walked over to Alpheus. "When will he wake up?"

"An hour, maybe two."

Ant nodded.

"I'm going to get him something to wear and your dad's gonna make dinner, can you keep an eye on him."


Kaiko and Will walked out Ant pulled a chair over and sat beside him he opened a comic book and started to read. Thirty minutes later Alpheus started to stir, Kaiko wasn't back yet and Ant was starting to panic.

"What...what happened?"

"Ummm..... I'LL GET MUM!"

Ant ran off. Alpheus started to sit up but stopped when a pain shot through his side he hissed and looked down at his side. He got up slowly this time and looked around, he sighed when he realised he was on the Aronnax. He was starting to plan his escape when Kaiko walked in followed by Ant.

"What are you doing, lie back down you'll tear your stitches!"

"I'm fine Mrs Nekton."

"No your not."

Alpheus glared at her, to try prove his point Alpheus turned and swung his leg over the side of the bed, he regretted it because as soon as he did it it sent another wave of pain through his side.

"Hey, take it easy."

Kaiko put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine."

Kaiko sighed she knew she wasn't gonna win so she just handed him some clothes.

"I'll help you to the bathroom so you can get changed."

Once Alpheus changed Kaiko tried to make him lie back down, with help from Ant, they weren't winning and Ant was getting sick of it he looked over the the tranquilliser gun the darts were still sitting there while Alpheus was distracted arguing with Kaiko he walked over and grabbed one.

"Alpheus lie down NOW!!"


Ant walked behind him and stuck him with it.

"HEY WHAT WAS THAT!?" Alpheus yelled turning to see Ant smiling

"Sweet dreams."


Kaiko grabbed Alpheus as he fell unconscious.

"Really Ant?"

"Hey you did it first."

Kaiko and Ant took him over to the bed and covered him with a blanket. They both decided to keep an eye on him incase he woke up. When he did he glared at them.

"Stop tranquillising me."

"We're only trying to help."

"I don't want your help."

Kaiko signed and grabbed a bottle of pills.

"Here take one, these should help with the pain."

"I'm fine."

Kaiko held it out to him, after a few seconds he took it.

"You're staying weather you like it or not."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are, you could get an infection you're staying here."

Alpheus finally gave after Kaiko threatened to tie him to the bed. Kaiko brought him some dinner and sat with him.

"You can leave you know."

"And what let you escape."

"Where am I gonna, we're obviously under water and I can't swim with a cast can I?"

"I don't know Alpheus your pretty stubborn."

"I won't try to escape, I promise."

Kaiko though it over for a second before settling back into her seat.

"How's your side? Any worse?"

Alpheus went quiet after that he handed Kaiko his plate.

"Alpheus how's your side?"


"Don't lie Alpheus if it hurts I can give you something."

Alpheus didn't answer. Kaiko just sighed.

"Alpheus please."

"It's fine can you please just drop it I'm tired."

"It's gonna be hard to sleep if your in pain."

Alpheus didn't answer again he rolled over so he didn't have to face Kaiko. She sighed, she got up and grabbed a blanket.

"If you'd stop being so stubborn we can help you."



Kaiko raps the blanket around him and turns off the light.

"Get some sleep, if you need anything just ask ok." Kaiko said as she set a comm down on the table next to him Alpheus ignored her and pulled the blanket closer. Kaiko turned off the light and left.

Heyy I got past the burn out and finished this... I'll probably be taking a break in a few days tho

Thanks for reading please let me know what you guys think and what you'd like to see next.

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now