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DanielleHarris402 wanted to see cannon Ant at Hogwarts so here we go!!

It was a few weeks after the Umbridge incident, McGonagall had taken over the roll of headmistress and the school could not be happier. Ant was in the library waiting for Alpheus and Kayda to finish studying for their care of magic creatures test. He was bored so he had started exploring the library when he heard a loud bang followed by some yelling. He walked around the corner and came face to face with himself.



But Other Ant was already running away, Ant had to follow. He ended up in a very scary part of the library.



Ant rounded the corner and saw Alpheus shaking his head and a girl he'd never seen before talking to other Ant.

"Firstly Ant shape-shifters are extremely rare secondly they avoided humans."

"Well then some one polyjuice portioned into me!"

That's when the girl noticed him, she immediately started laughing.

"What is he wearing?!"

"IT'S A WET SUIT!! look I'm not a shape-shifter and I'm not using whatever Alpheus said! I'm Ant from another universe!"

"Prove it!"

Ant whispered something to the Other Ant.

"Yep I believe you."

"What did he say?"

"I'll tell you later."

Ant sighed.

"Can I have something to eat I'm starving."

A few hours later Kayda and Other Finn had snuck into the kitchen and gotten Ant some food. While eating Ant got to talking with everyone  they asked him question about his universe and he asked them question about their universe. Alpheus was very surprised to find out that Ant had never heard of Kayda, she'd known him for a long time even before Hogwarts. After he ate Ant decided couldn't just call everyone other Alpheus or Other Fontaine. He'd have to come up with names for all the universes he'd end up visiting. When he finished he asked Alpheus if he could borrow a note book and a pen.

"Why do you need a note book?"

"I'm naming all the universes and I need to keep track."

"Oh! Can we name ourselves! We could be Antaeus' wizarding universe!"

"That's a stupid name." Alana said rolling her eyes.

"Why not just Hogwarts universe, I mean that's the name of the school and the reason we're all here."

"And most importantly isn't named after Ant."

"I don't know guys, I kinda like Antaeus wizarding universe."

Alana hit him over the head, not enough to hurt him. Ant laughed.

"Ok OK, Hogwarts universe it is, now before I end up in another universe can you tell me everything about Hogwarts?"

There was a collection of groans from everyone but Hogwarts Alpheus. He started smiling.

"Why would you ask that?!"

"Well you see Ant, Hogwarts was founded almost a thousand years ago-"

Alpheus talked for almost three hours Ant was taking tons of notes what he was saying was quite interesting but he could tell the others had heard his rant more than once. He eventually shorted Hogwarts down to HW. He also shorted the Alpheus Nekton au to AN.

"So there was a giant snake under the castle I don't believe it!"

"Believe it, we've been in the Chambers, we were going to show Ant tonight if you'd like to join us?"

"I would love to, but I don't know if I'll still be here. The staff just seems to randomly teleport me through universes."

"Well we can't go now, McGonagall would kill us."

Ant sighed and shoved another cookie into his mouth. HW Fontaine sighed.

"How are you still hungry?"

"Shut up!"

"Hey other me, do you want to borrow some of my muggle clothes?"

"Yes please."

"Great, I'll go get them!"

HW Alpheus and HW Kayda stood up.

"Well, we really need to finish studying, someone keep an eye on him."

They walked out and Alana went to follow.

"Well it's Finn's dorm, so bye!"

"Wha- Alana come on, me and Fontaine have a date!"

"Well so do I so, bye!!"

"YOU HAVE A WHAT!?!" HW Finn and HW Fontaine yelled at the same time.


"We are so talking about this when you get back!"

Alana was already out the door. HW Finn shook his head.

A few minutes later Ant walked in with a duffle bag.

"Here, these should do you for a while."

"Thanks, this has been nice!"

At that moment the staff started glowing and making its way towards Ant.

"Well I thinks that's my cue to leave."


"Bye guys, it was nice meeting you!" 

Ant grabbed the staff and felw himself being pulled forward again.

Up Next Kaiko from the AN universe adopts Alpheus from the cannon universe.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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