Httyd au

561 8 12

Got bored wrote this enjoy.

2 weeks ago Alpheus left the guardians, he was all alone and scared he had no idea what he was doing. He was taking a walk through a forest on his way to so Lumuria ruins, when he came across a baby dragon curled up under a tree, the poor thing was filthy and covered in mud, they couldn't have been more than a month's old.

As Alpheus got closer, the little dragon opened their eyes, they looked at Alpheus with wonder and confusion. Alpheus carefully scooped the little dragon into his arms before making his way back to his sub. 'Searching for Lumuria would have to wait' he thought as his submarine came into view.

Alpheus spent the next half hour trying to get the little dragon, who he had named Kai, clean it was not going well.

"No Kai, stay in the bath tub."

"Hey! Don't eat that."

"Get back here."

Alpheus was absolutely exusted, but the little dragon was hungry so he stopped at a nearby Market to get them some food.

He soon realised that he had no idea what dragons eat. He thought for a moment before deciding that meat would probably be a safe bet. After several minutes of debate he decided to get them some fish, and began to walk back to his sub.

"Hey Kai I'm back."

Alpheus walked into his living room to see every pillow and blanket he owned sitting on the floor with a very proud dragon sitting on top.

"Well you've been busy." Alpheus chuckled as Kai began to bounce up and down.

"Here, I hope you like salmon."

After Kai had ate Alpheus lay down on the sofa and went to sleep. When he woke up Kai was asleep on his chest. He smiled and hugged Kai, carefully making sure not to wake her. He managed to slip away and make himself breakfast, he had only just sat down when Kai came barging in.

The little dragon jumped up onto his lap and started making little cooing noises. Alpheus felt like his heart was going to melt, he new then and there that he was keeping Kai and nothing was ever going to hurt her ever again.

Kai followed Alpheus everywhere, he was never alone and he really didn't mind. He didn't like leaving Kai alone on his sub when he went swimming, so he designed Kai her own scuba set. Kai loved to explode reefs, she would chase the fish and bring shells that she liked back with her. Alpheus had gone to a pet store and gotten the biggest dog bed he could find, witch turned out to be a waste, Kai always slept on the bed with him.

Alpheus was walking towards a Lumurian ruin, Kai was following close behind him she would stop every now and again to look at something Alpheus would always wait, he was in no rush.

When he got to the ruin, he went to turn down a passage way when Kai jumped in front of her, she was growling

"Kai? What's wrong?"

Alpheus tried walking towards the her, she just growled louder.

"Ok, ok easy."

Alpheus looked down the passage, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Just to be safe, Alpheus threw a rock down first, he jumped back when a spear shot out of the wall.

"Wow, thanks Kai."

Kai let out a little huff, before licking his face.

"Ack no, stop it."

Kai almost seemed to laugh.

"Don't you laugh at me."

Kai jumped off Alpheus and followed him as he walked down a different tunnel. Kai stayed close to Alpheus she checked every tunnel before he went down.

Alpheus didn't find anything note worthy there was nothing in this ruin but traps. When they got back Kai was hungry she kept jumping on the table, Alpheus kept putting her down, at one point he locked her out of the kitchen but when he turned around she saw sat on the table, again.

"How'd you even get in here!?"

Kai roared and waged her tail.

"Off the table."

As Alpheus walked forward, Kai jumped forward grabbed the spatula he was holding and ran off.

"NOO NO, not food."

Alpheus didnt get the spatula back in time and had to start all over again. This time he just let Kai sit on the table, she was smiling.

So Kai is a light fury they are basically Alpheus therapy dog, but they breath fire at his enemy's.

I'm just imagine Ant's reaction

Ant: your chair had cup hol- WHAT IS THAT!?

Alpheus: That's Kai, my dragon.


Alphues: you Don't?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas!!

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