Kaiko adopting children au

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Kaiko's getting a new son.

The dark orca crew were exploring a nearby reck, they where hoping to find some treasure but of course the Nektons showed up. Finn didn't mind it gave him a chance to flirt with Fontaine, but his dad was furious he order them to attack the Nektons. So Finn went to talk to Fontaine.

"Hello princess."

"Hello pirate boy."

The two talked for a good twenty minutes before Finn looked around.

"Oh crap, dad left."

Fontaine looked around and saw the dark orca way off in the distance. Finn didn't even look surprised he just looked a little annoyed.

"Do you think your parents can give me a ride?"

Fontaine knew fine well if she took Finn back to Aronnax there was a ninety percent chance her mum would try to adopt him.

"Sure, let's go."

Finn followed Fontaine back to the Aronnax, Kaiko was waiting for them in the moon pool.

"Fontaine what is Finn doing here?"

"Hammerhead forgot him."

Kaiko looked at Finn he looked tired.

"Why don't you get Finn set up in one of our guest rooms?"

"Ok mum!"

Fontaine started dragging Finn down the hall.

"Wait, wait what's going on?"

"You're being adopted, deal with it." Fontaine replied as she continued dragging him down the hall.

"Don't I get a say in this!?"

"Nope." Kaiko replied from the moon pool.

Fontaine showed him to his new room, she told him that they'd grab him something to wear until they get a wet suit made. Fontaine left him alone after that and Finn decided to escape. He had almost gotten to the moon pool when Ant found him.


Finn jumped out of his skin. Ant ran over to him and lead him to the kitchen.

"Alpheus this is Finn, Finn meet Alpheus."


Alpheus just waved.

Will and Kaiko handed out dinner and everyone sat and talked, Finn found out that Alphues was also 'adopted ' by Kaiko, Finn was relived he wasn't the only one, maybe Alpheus would even help him escape.

After dinner Finn decided to ask Alpheus if he'd help him.

"Hey Alpheus, can you help me?"

"Sure, what's the problem?"

"I need to leave."

Alpheus turned to look at him.

"Why do you need to leave?"

"I need to get back to my dad and sister."

Alpheus though it over for a second.

"Sorry can't help you Kaiko would kill me."

"Oh come on pleeeaase?"

"No, maybe you should just talk to Kaiko about this."

"Have you met Kaiko, there is no why she'd let me leave."

"Then you'd better get use to life on the Aronnax, warning there's a lot of screaming.

I wonder if i can get to 60 in the next two days

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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