Alpheus Nekton au

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Just to re cap because its been a while, in this au Kaiko finds Alpheus abandoned on the floating market adopts him because she's Kaiko

Trigger warning mentions of child abuse

When Kaiko brought Alpheus back to the Aronnax she knew things wouldn't be easy, but when she watched him laugh while playing with Fontaine she knew she'd made the right choice. The first night wasn't so bad a couple of nightmares during the night but Kaiko and Will took care of it, one of them was always there to ease him back to sleep, but as the week went on Alpheus ' nightmares got worse. Kaiko had asked him a bunch of times if he wanted to talk about it but he always refused and Kaiko never pushed him.

After a few weeks the nightmares calmed down, they didn't go away but Kaiko had a sneaking suspicion that they never would. They'd only had Alpheus for a few weeks but Fontaine and Ant already though of him as family, Ant had started calling Alpheus his brother less than a hour after meeting him with Fontaine following suit soon after.

After a month Alpheus had started helping around the sub, he was helping Kaiko clean the dishes when he accidentally dropped a plate. Alpheus immediately froze.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll- I'll clean it up, I'm s-."

Kaiko cut him off "Alpheus, its ok it was an accident."

Kaiko tried to grab his arm in hopes of getting him away from all the sharp ceramic shards on the ground, but as soon as she touched him he jumped back and stepped on one.

"Sh- Crap ok Alpheus you need to sit down ok?"

He nods and Kaiko helps him over to a chair.

"Ok, this doesn't look to bad, you just need a plaster."

"I'm sorry."

That's when Kaiko noticed the tears.

"Hey, it's ok, shhh you're ok."

Kaiko pulled him into a hug, he holds on to her and keeps apologising. After a few minutes the crying stops, he keeps mumbling apologise under his breath.

"Alpheus, why are you apologising it was an accident."

"... you're not gonna hurt me?"

Kaiko was furious, she swore she was going to kill his mother if they ever found her.

"Alpheus me and Williams are never going to hit you, we are never going to hurt you."

".. but she did."

"I know she did, but we're not like her... I'm gonna get a plaster for your foot, then we can watch a movie does that sound good?"

Alpheus nodded, he let go of Kaiko so she could grab a plaster and clean the cut. Once she was done they walked to the living room together, Kaiko put on tangled for him to watch. Will walked in a few minutes later, he told her that Fontaine and Ant were both taking a nap. Alpheus managed to convinced him to watch the movie with them so Will sat down beside Kaiko. It wasn't long before Alpheus fell asleep and William decided to ask Kaiko what was going on.

"Kaiko is something wrong?"

"She hit him."

"Who did?"

"His mum, we were doing the dishes and he dropped a plate... he was so scared Will."

William gently pulled Kaiko in for a hug. She just lay there for a few minutes, she was exhausted things had just been stressful.

"Let's get Alpheus to bed, ok Kaiko?"

Kaiko nodded, she got up and then gently lifted Alpheus off the sofa. Will headed off the check on Ant while Kaiko took Alpheus to his room. As she tucked him in he woke up.

"Huh, Kaiko?"

"It's ok sweetie jut go back to sleep."


"Night Alpheus."

"G'night mum."

Kaiko froze for a second, she didn't know if she'd heard him right. Kaiko sat there long after Alpheus fell asleep, she just wanted to make sure her son slept well.

Aaand Alpheus know thinks of Kaiko as his mum, Kaiko is happy cause his ex mum doesn't deserve him.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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