au mashup

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Alpheus the cat Au. Enjoy!

Ant once again found himself on the Aronnax. This time he was in the living room. He was about to start his speech on how he was Ant from another universe and definitely wasn't a shape-shifter. When he looked around he was surprised to find no one there only a tiny gray kitten who looked very confused and concerned.

"Aww, hi little fella what's your name!"

Ant tried to pet the kitten but they immediately ducked to the side.

"Aww please you're so cute!"

When Ant reached out his hand to pet them the kitten attacked. He started scratching his hand and hissing.


Ant ran down the halls with the kitten close on his heels. He ran to the study hoping to find someone who could help.  He found Fontaine, Kaiko, Ant and Will from this au all standing around a table.


Ant jumped up onto a table as the cat ran into the room. The kitten seemed momentarily stunned looking back and forth between the two Ants.


Other Ant yelled pointing at the Ant on the table.

"I AM NOT A SHAPE-SHIFTER!!!... wait that Alphues bu- but he's so cute!!"



Alpheus had managed to climb onto the table.

"No no!! Please I'm sorry!!"

Other Fontaine seemed to take mercy on her brothers look alike and grabbed Alpheus.

"Ok then, if you're not a shape-shifter then what are you."

"I'm Ant from another universe."

"Wow! What's your universe like?"

"Well for one, Alpheus isn't a cat... how did that happen anyway?"

"I threw a potion at him now he's a cat, I liked him better as a human."

"Why he's kind of cu-."

Alpheus almost seemed to glare at him. He decided not to annoy the furry little fury anymore than he already had.

"Yea, he's 'cute' until he's tearing up your bedroom and helping your sister dye your hair!"

"Hey! It was funny."

Alpheus nodded.

"I hate it when you two agree."

Ant pulled out his note book, he decided that now was as good a time as any to name this universe. 'Alpheus the cat universe. ATC'

"Hey other me! We're getting a call so we need to go to the bridge. Alpheus you're on guard duty."

"I don't need a guard!"

"Sure you do shape-shifter."


Ant didn't get a response, everyone had already left. He sighed and picked up his book.

".... hey Alpheus... can I pet you, just once."


"Aww please you look so fluffy!!"


"Ok OK, fine!"

Alpheus flicked his tail and attempted to look at Ants book.

"Oh this, I've taken notes of all the aus I've been in, so far there's only been two."

Alpheus looked up at him and tilted his head.

"Well the first one I was in, I named Alpheus Nekton universe because well mum adopted you."

Alpheus gave him a skeptical look.

"I know it doesn't sound real but it is and trust me I found it just as weird as you did.... also I think I might have sent the Kaiko from that universe to adopt the Alpheus from mine."

Alpheus just seemed to sigh then shook his head.

"Oh I he's still there when I get back he's going to murder me."

The staff beside him began to glow again. Ant sighed.

"I guess it's time to go.... do you want to come with me?"

Well should Alphie cat go with Ant or stay in his au. Let me know in the comments!!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now