Kaiko's motherly instincts

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MihaelaAndrei3 wanted me to make a chapter called Kaiko's motherly instincts so here we have 5 times Kaiko's motherly instincts kicked in.

When Kaiko woke up she knew something was wrong. She sat up and looked around. Nothing was off, William was still asleep. She got up and walked down the hall to check on her kids, she found Fontaine shaking. She put a hand to her forehead, she was burning up.

"Hey Fontaine wake up."

Fontaine mumbled something then opened her eyes.

"Hey how are you feeling?"


"Do you want me to get you something to drink?"

"Yes please."

Kaiko got up and headed yo the kitchen on her way there she grabbed some tablets to bring down Fontaine's fever. When she got back Fontaine wasn't in bed, she could hear her in the bathroom throwing up.

"Fontaine, I got you some water and something to take the fever down."

"Thanks mum."

Fontaine took the pills then Kaiko helped her back to bed.

"Get some sleep sweetheart."

"Ok mum, I love you."

"Love you two sweetheart."

Fontaine slept for most of the day. Kaiko stayed next to him for most of the day. She was constantly checking her temperature and bring her food. The next day Fontaine was feeling a little better but Kaiko still insisted she take it easy for the next few days.

Ant had been different lately. He'd been quieter and he'd been spending more time alone. She decided to talk to him about it.

"Ant, is everything ok?"

"Yep, everything's fine!"

She could let he was lying.

"Ant you can tell me anything you know that."

"It's nothing, really."

Kaiko wasn't convinced. She gently wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"It's ok Ant, you can tell me anything."

"... I keep having nightmares and they won't go away."

"Oh Ant."

Kaiko pulled him into a hug.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"The Kraken... every night..."

"It's ok Ant, you never have to see it again."

"But what if it escapes... what if gets out and-."

"It's not going anywhere Ant. It's been locked up in there for six thousand years it's not going anywhere anytime soon."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, now let's get you to bed ok?"

"Ok mum."

Ant slept through the night for the first time in weeks. The next morning Ant felt much better. Kaiko was glad to see her son happy again.

It had been a while since Kaiko had seen Finn and she was getting worried. She decided breaking onto the dark orca was the best course of action. She was glad she did she found Finn with a broken arm lifting heavy boxes.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

"Umm working?"

"Oh hell no! You're coming back with me to the Aronnax!"

Kaiko grabbed his unbroken arm and started dragging him back to the Aronnax. Finn didn't complain, he was exhausted. Finn was set up in a spare room and told to get some rest. Anytime he'd get out of bed Kaiko would walk in and tell him to get back in bed.

"How do you know when I get up, do you have like a pressure sensor?"

"Call it a mothers instinct, now back in bed."

"My arms broken not my leg!"

"Bed. Now."

Finn gave in and climbed back into bed. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

Kaiko was worried about Maddy. She hadn't been herself lately. Kaiko decided to step in. She went to the floating market and found Maddy.

"Hey Maddy, how are you?"

"Why do you care Nekton?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to see your brother?"

Maddy looked up at her.

"I know you miss him. He misses you too."


"Of course, you're his sister."

"... can I really see him?"

"Of course Maddy come on."

Kaiko took Maddy back to the Aronnax. She showed her to Finn's room and she immediately ran in.


Finn was surprised when Maddy jumped onto his bed and hugged him. Kaiko laughed as Maddy started lecturing him for being an idiot. Maddy said she'd stay on the Aronnax until Finn was ready to leave, fortunately for Kaiko Finn wouldn't be ready to leave for another few months.

Kaiko was driving down a busy street. It was getting dark and a snow storm had just started. She wasn't really paying attention to anything until she saw something Alpheus standing at a bus stop. It was -20 outside and he was shivering. She immediately pulled over and got out.

"What are you doing it's freezing out here!"

"I-I'm w-waiting for the b-bus."

"No you're not get in the car."


"You're not even wearing a decent coat, there's no way I'm letting you stay out here and freeze to death."

"I-I'm fine."

"No you're not, now get in the car."

Alpheus knew there was no arguing so he just got in. Kaiko turned the heat up full blast she wanted to get Alpheus warmed up as soon as possible.


"No problem Alpheus."

"M-my apartments only a f-few miles from here."

"I'm not taking you back to your apartment, I'm taking you to the Aronnax."

"I want to go back to my apartment."

"We're going to the Aronnax."

"Stop the car."


Alpheus grabbed the door and tried to open it but Kaiko had already locked it.

"This is kidnapping!"

"Yep, get comfortable cause it's a long drive."

Alpheus did eventually agreed to spend the night on the Aronnax. Of course not long after he went to sleep Kaiko pulled them out of the harbour. She knew Alpheus would be mad when he woke up but Kaiko was ok with that.

Kaiko just knows when something is wrong with her kids and will do anything to protect them.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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