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Here's how Alpheus met Kayda. Hope you enjoy.

Alpheus was exploring an island, there were rumours going around that dramillions were seen there. He had to find them before the hunters did, he had just found the pack when he was grabbed and thrown back. He looked back to see a girl about his age.

"What are you doing here hunter."

It took a moment for Alpheus to they were talking to him.

"I'm not a hunter, ask my dragon."

At that moment Kai jumped out of the bush near by followed shortly by a night fury.

"Omg a night fury! I thought they were extinct."

"Your not a hunter?"

"Oh no I'm here to move the dramillions before the hunters get here."

The girl helped him up.

"Sorry, but better safe than sorry."

"Fair enough.... is that your night fury?"


"Can I pet it?"

"Go ahead."

Alpheus rushed over to the night fury who was playing with Kia.

"Aren't you a cutie, yes you are."

Kai immediately got jealous and started to demand Alpheus' attention.

"Hey are you going to help me or not?"

Alpheus turned to see the girl holding a baby dramillion.

"Omg they're so cute."

For the next hour they worked together, they got all the dramillions onto Alpheus' sub. He had learned that the girls name was Kayda and she was actually a lot like him, dragons just seemed to like her. Alpheus took the dramillions back to his home base he was in the middle of turning it into a dragon sanctuary so things were a little messy.

"Wow this place is... something."

"Well I'm not done yet, I need to add in better feeding stations and a the medical center is still under construction, so's the hatchery."

"Do you need any help?"

Alpheus and Kayda spent the rest of the day making plans for their sanctuary Alpheus was always out exploring and couldn't stay to take care of the dragons, but Kayda was looking for a place to stay permanently, they came to an agreement, Kayda would stay at the sanctuary and take care of all the dragons and Alpheus would continue to explore the world bringing back any injured or sick dragons for Kayda to take care off.

"So you really don't mind?"

"Honestly I was going to open a sanctuary anyway, and this place is perfect there's no one for miles and plenty of room."

"Yea i know that's why I chose it. By the way, have you ever met seen a screaming death?"

An hour later Kayda was freaking out.

"It's so cool, aww."

Kayda and Snowball got along great and Alpheus was glad there was someone else who understood his love of dragons.

So I couldn't decide witch dragon to give Kayda so I put all the dragons I though would fit on a wheel and night fury was the one it chose, the wheel had spoken.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

Please tell me what you guys want to see next.

Have a good day/night

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now