Dolos' apprentice

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So as many of you know, my head cannon is that Alphues gets dumped on the floating market and Jadetheruisimp suggested I make a new au, hope you enjoy!

It was long past dark and Dolos was sat in his bed room going over another old relic he'd found when he heard footsteps in the living room. Then a loud crash in the kitchen. Dolos grabbed a bat and slowly made his way into the kitchen. Dolos was surprised to find a kid in his kitchen eating his food.

"I hope you can pay for that."

The kid jumped back and dropped what he had been holding, Dolos sighed.

"If you can't pay for it you're going to work for it, got it?"

The boy nodded.

"Good now clean up this mess."

Dolos said putting the bat down. He then headed back to bed. He was to tired to deal with the kid.

The next morning Dolos was surprised to find the kid asleep in his living room. Now that he'd gotten a closer look he noticed how thin the boy was, it was like he hadn't eaten in weeks. There were bags under his eyes too. Dolos came to the conclusion that he was left here. He had two options, kick the kid out and leave him at the mercy of pirates, or keep the kid. Dolos decide to keep the kid, not because he liked him but because he was sure the kid would be back eventually.

Dolos had a few errands to run and decided to let the boy sleep until he got back. Before he left he threw a blanket over him. Not because he cared there was just no sense in letting the boy freeze. By the time he got back he still hadn't woken up. Dolos had some business to attend to and figured he should wake the boy up before they came.

"Hey, kids get up."

He gently shook the boy awake.

"Come on we have work to do."

The boy got up and followed Dolos out onto the deck, where Hammerhead was waiting.

"Dolos, I didn't know you had a kid."

"He's not my kid, he's my apprentice. Now let's get down to business."

After a few minutes of negotiations Hammerhead left with his new treasurer map and Dolos gained a few hundred pounds.

"Now that kid is what we call barging. So let's barging, if you work for me you can stay here. You'll have a safe place to sleep and plenty of food. So what do you say?"

Dolos held out his hand for the kid to shake. The boy seemed a little hesitant but eventually shook Dolos' hand.

"Good, now let's begin your training."

Dolos took the boy back into his cabin. He then search through his shelves of books and scrolls then he grabbed some notes, a scroll, a pen and some paper.

"Translate this scroll, I'll be back in an hour to see how far you've gotten."

When Dolos came back the boy had all but finished, Dolos was quite impressed.

"You did good kid... what's your name anyway I can't keep calling you kid."

"I-I'm Alpheus."

Kaiko: I thought you didn't want kids
Dolos: this isn't my kid, this is.... an apprentice
Will: suuuure

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works

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