Best friends au

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I didn't even realise the date until @danielleharris402 suggested I do a Christmas themed best friends au do here we go

It was Christmas morning on the Aronnax, everything was quite until


Ant yelled as he barged into Fontaine's room. Fontaine jumped at the sudden noise and turned to look at her brother slightly annoyed

"It's five am."


Ant drags her out of bed and into the living room where Kaiko and Will were waiting. There was a pile of presents sat under the tree. Fontaine smiled as her brother rushed over to open them. Fontaine her self was still exhausted.

She had been on a call with Alpheus until 4 am. Why you might ask because while Alpheus wouldn't usually celebrate Christmas Finn and Maddy let it slip that they hadn't ever had the chance to celebrate Christmas because they were pirates and pirates don't get Christmas off. Alpheus said screw it and asked Fontaine what they might want they both lost track of time and before they knew it, it was almost time to wake up.

"Are you ok Fontaine?"

"Yea just a little tired, I'm gonna open my presents and then take a nap."

"Ok I'll make you some hot chocolate."

"Thanks mum." Fontaine smiled and walked over to the Christmas tree. Fontaine sat down beside her brother who was freaking out over a kajiu statue. She reached forwards to grab a presents.


Maddy woke up, walked to the bath room, brushed her teeth and then made her way to the kitchen. As soon as she stepped foot outside her room she saw a ton of Christmas decorations that definitely weren't there yesterday. The entire hall was covered top to bottom in tinsel, Christmas bobbles and other decorations. She was still taking it all in when her brother walked our of his room.

"What happened here?"

The two looked at eachother before running off to look for Alpheus. Every single room on the sub was absolutely covered in all sorts of Christmas decorations, there was also a small Christmas tree in each one.

"He could not have done all this in one night."

Maddy looked to her brother

"This is Alpheus we're talking about."

"... true... let's go find him."

The duo walk down the hall to Alpheus' room, he wasn't there, they went to his study, he wasn't there either. They eventually found him in the living room he was asleep on the sofa, there was an absolute massive Christmas tree in the corner with atleast fifty presents under it.

"We shouldn't have told him that we weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas."

"No, we shouldn't have."

Alpheus woke up and turned to them

"Oh hey guys... Merry Christmas."

Maddy smiled and hugged him. Finn rolled his eyes

"You are way to over the top."

"I know, now open your presents"

"How did you even do this in one night."

Alpheus just smiled and stood up

"It's the magic of Christmas."

Finn shook his head again, Maddy wasted no time she ran over to the tree and began to search for her presents.

Finn turned to Alpheus.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do this."

"But I wanted to, you guys deserve to have an amazing Christmas, now go open your presents."

Alpheus just wants his siblings to be happy.

Please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night and

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