Alpheus Nekton au

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We head onwards with the Alpheus Nekton au, enjoy.

By the time the Aronnax had caught up to Fontaine and Ant Cogers submarine was already out of sight. They realised they weren't getting Alpheus back, not today. When Fontaine and Ant got onboard their parents were yelling at Commander Pyromsome, Kaiko and Will blamed her. Pyromsome sent the woa subs after Crogan, she apologies to the Nektons she didn't mean for this to happen. After the woa left Ant gave Will the piece of the Ephemycron he'd found, under normal circumstances William would be thrilled, but the Nektons decided to put Lumuria on hold until they found Alpheus.

The Nektons spent weeks looking for Alpheus but they found no trace of him, they were starting to wonder if they'd ever see him again. When Protues came aboard, Fontaine immediately knew something was off, she didn't like him and she didn't know why. Ant seemed just as suspicious the two tried there best to avoid him. Protues managed to convince their parents to take a trip to the North Pole after translating a page from the Cronical of the deep. When they got there the Nektons were amazed, they were going to take a look, when Protues stole the rover and kidnapped Ant.

Protues brought Ant up to the surface, it was freezing.

"Take this."

"That's ours!"

"Not anymore. Take this to."

"But that's... YOU TOOK HIM!"

"Took who?"


Protues smiled.

"The Cronical tells us that the one will join the pieces of the Ephemycron, if you can do that Antaeus I will give you back your brother."

"There's supposed to be three."

"Two should be enough to prove if you're genuine. or not."

Ant was angry, if this creep really did have his brother, who knows what he would  do to him.

"If I do this, you'll help my family and let Alpheus go."

"Of course."

Ant struggled to fit the pieces together, they eventually fit but as he went to hand it over they fell apart.

"Ugh that's it, that's the best you can do? Nereus was wrong about you you're just an annoying child."

That's when Ant spotted the boat they'd rescued earlier. He ran towards it hoping they could help.

"HEY!" Protues shouted.

Alpheus was stuck in a small storage closet his hands were cuffed behind his back and the door was locked. He managed to get a small scrap of metal and pick the lock on his cuffs. He was working on the door when he heard


He recognised the voice, it was Ant. The door finally opened and Alpheus rushed out to help his brother. He ran into a few guards on the way but managed to avoid their attacks and kept going. When he made it out on deck he saw a helicopter over head, he ran to the side of the boat Ant that's when he spotted he was off in the distance. The boat was moving further and further away and there were people chasing him. He knew he had no choice but to jump into the freezing cold water.

When he surface he grabbed onto a bit of ice and pulled himselfout of the water. He stood up and saw Ant and Nereus running towards him. The started walking towards them, he was to cold to run.

"Alpheus are you ok?" Nereus asked.

"I'm fine, just cold."

"Come on, let's get you warmed up."

Nereus took off his robe and rapped it around him. Alphues wouldnt stop shivering so Ant hugged Alpheus and refused to let got until his parents got there. When they did Alpheus was pulled into a group hug. They took Alpheus and Ant back to the Aronnax, Kaiko checked Alpheus over, she found a couple cuts and bruises but nothing to serious. She was glad he was alright, and Alpheus was glad to be home.

Next time Kaiko sees Protues she's gonna kill him

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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