Protues kidnaps Alpheus au

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New au. What if Protues kidnapped Alpheus when he was in in the guardians but everyone just asummed he ran away. So when Glaucus and Tethys are searching the ice breaker they don't find Protues but they do find Alpheus.

It was dark and cold in the storage closet Alpheus had been left in. He'd over heard the crew talking, they were apparently meeting the Nektons today, they were another Lumurian family. Protues was sure that the Nektons were the ones, that they would put the Ephemycron together and they would find Lumuria. This scared Alpheus, if Protues didn't need him anymore what would happen to him.

Alpheus was half asleep when he felt the boat start to move once again. It wasn't long before Alpheus heard a helicopter. It landed somewhere above him. He pulled himself into the corner and pulled his knees up to his chest, he tried to stay as quiet as possible, he didn't know if it was one of Protues friends or not.

Almost half an hour later the door opened, Alpheus recognised Glaucus Almost immediately.

"G- Glaucus?"

"Alpheus? Oh God you're freezing, come on let's get you warmed up."

Glaucus gently pulled Alpheus up off the floor, he then took off hid robe and rapped it round him. Glaucus lead Alpheus up the stairs and out on deck, he then helped Alpheus onto the helicopter. Tethys to one look at Alpheus before getting up and walking over to the captain, Glaucus had to stop her from punching the captain. Alpheus watched from the helicopter he was silently rooting for Tethys.

After Glaucus calmed Tethys down he let her go, she immediately punched the captain then headed towards the helicopter to check on Alpheus. Glaucus followed her so they could talk.

"We have to tell Nereus."


"Kaiko's going to adopt him."

"Oh definitely."

"... maybe we should give him a warning?"

"Why would we do that, it takes all the fun out of it."

Tethys checked Alpheus for any injuries, she found a couple of bruises and cuts but nothing to serious.

"Let's get these cuts cleaned out ok?"


Tethys picked up the first air kit.

"This might sting a little." She said as she started cleaning out the cuts.

"Ow! OW! Stop stop!"

"Ok, ok."

The wipe Tethys was using had a fair amount of blood on it already and she'd only just begun. She knew she wasn't going to get very far.

Meanwhile Glaucus was on a call with the Nektons. They had so many questions and Glaucus was desperately looking at Nereus for help, but Nereus was lost in thought leaving Glaucus to deal with the Nektons.

"Who is this Alpheus guy is he a guardian?"

"Why was he on the ice breaker is he working with Protues?!"

"One at a time please Nektons."

Ant asked first.

"Is he working with Protues?!"

"I don't think so Antaeus, he was locked in a storage closet when I found him."

"Is he alright?"

"A couple of cuts and bruises but other that he's fine."

"Bring him here."

"Mrs Nekto-"

"This is not a discussion Glaucus, we're surfacing now."

After that Kaiko hung up. Glaucus sighed and got into the helicopter beside Tethys.

"Let me guess, Kaiko wants to take a look?"

"It seems that way."

"Who's Kaiko?

Tethys and Glaucus looked at eachother.

"You'll find out when we get there."

Alpheus sat quietly for most of the ride, when they got to the Aronnax Kaiko was waiting for them. Glaucus helped Alpheus off the helicopter, as soon as his feet touched the ground Kaiko was right beside him. She took Alpheus down to the study and sat him down on one of the beds. She then grabbed the first aid kit.

When Kaiko went to clean his cuts Alpheus refused to give her his arm.

"Alpheus, please I need to clean your cuts, it's only going to sting for a few seconds."


Kaiko sighed.

"Alpheus please, if they get infected they'll only hurt more, just let me clean them."

After a few seconds Alpheus agreed and Kaiko went back to cleaning his cuts. Once she was done Alpheus thought the worst was over, he was caught off guard when Kaiko picked up a needle.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I just need a blood sample, just to make sure you don't have any infections."

When Kaiko walked back towards him Alpheus bolted. Kaiko dropped the needle and ran after him. She eventually found him hiding in one of the spare rooms, he was curled up tightly in the corner, she could hear him sobbing.

"Alpheus, I'm sorry I scared you, are you ok?"

Alpheus shook his head. Kaiko sat down beside him, she gently pulled him in for a hug.

"Shh, it's ok shh."

After a few minutes Alpheus calmed down enough to talk, he started apologizing, Kaiko stopped him.

"Alpheus it's ok if don't want me to do the blood tests, you've just got to let me know if you start to feel sick deal?"


While Kaiko was taking care of Alpheus the Nektons were arguing with the Guardians for custody. The Nektons won.

Second one today, I'm on a roll!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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