Blind Alpheus au

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Alpheus was sat in the kitchen waiting for Alana to wake up. He wasn't allowed to make himself coffee after he'd burned his hand so he had to wait for her to come do it. He would normally ignore Alana and make it himself but Alana had moved the kettle and he didn't know where she put it. He knew it was in the kitchen somewhere but he could never find it and Aria wouldn't help him.

Eventually he heard the door open.

"Alana do not talk to me until you've made me my coffee."

"Oh, Alana's not here right now."

".... heyy Kaiko."

Alpheus stood up and walk toward the door.

"Exscuse me."

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To find Alana."

"Oh hell no you're coming with me."

Kaiko hooked her arm around Alpheus' and began to lead him to the moon pool.

"Let go of me!"

"Stop struggling I'm trying to help you!"

Kaiko eventually got Alpheus into the rover and they made their way back to the Aronnax.


"You kidnapped Ant last week."

"I'm leaving!"

Alpheus stood up and banged his head on the glass. Kaiko turned to him and pulled him down.

"Be careful!"

"Let go of me!"

Alpheus pulled away and immediately hit the side of the rover.


"Please just sit, you're only going to hurt yourself!"

"I'm fine!"

After a few minutes they got to the Aronnax. Alpheus reluctantly accepted Kaiko's help getting out of the rover.

Kaiko lead Alpheus down the hall to the kitchen. He was handed a cup of coffee as soon as he sat down. He drunk it in less than a second.

"So, can I leave now?"

"No, now," Alpheus heard a plate being sat down in from of him. "Eat your breakfast."

".. what is it?"

"Just some toast."


Alpheus silently ate his toast. When he finished he stood up.

"What are you doing?"


Alpheus immediately walked into a counter top.

"Please just sit down you're going to really hurt yourself."

"I would listen to her Alpheus, she's probably right."



"Firstly Kaiko you forgot to take my knife secondly Alpheus you are a stubborn a*s and I could use some help."

"Well I'm not staying!"

Alpheus stood up and tried making his way to the door.

"That's the fridge... thats a cupboard.... oh for gods sake let me help!"


Alpheus was suddenly grabbed and dragged back to the table.

"Where's that cane I bought you?"

"I don't need it."

"Yes you do, stop being so stubborn!"

Alpheus once again stood up.

"I'm going back to my submarine and that's final!"

Alpheus heard the door to the kitchen open and was soon met by laughter.

"Oh my god! Alpheus I feel so bad for you."

"Fontaine, my favourite Nektons please help me get away from your crazy mother!"

"No way, you're stuck with us now!"

"Alana, please help."

"And face the wrath of Kaiko, I'd rather not. Face it Alpheus you're stuck here."

Witch au do you guys want to see next? Ant Benthos au, httyd x pirate au, cat Alpheus au or Pyro adopts kids au.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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