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Heres Alana's back story and how she almost killed the fire lord, but ended up taking his kids instead. Tw: child abuse, blood, attempted assassination.

Alana grew up with one soul belief. The fire nation was evil. She was told over and over again that the fire nation did not care who they hurt, that they were greedy, that they were all the same. She was told countless times to always attack first and never give them them the chance to catch you off guard. She was only thirteen but this had been drilled into her skull day in day out. She was top of her weapons and stealth classes. She could get in and out of everywhere leaving not a trace that she was ever there.

It was a month before her fourteenth birthday when she was sent out for her first and only solo mission. Kill fire lord Hammerhead. She had been exited to be trusted with such an important mission. She arrived in the fire nation capital just a few days later.

She spent weeks studying Hammerhead's every move, she learned everything she needed to take him down. While getting prepared she realises she'd need a discuses. So she headed to a nearby market to buy herself a mask. She just so happened to spot a local theatre shop and picked the blue spirits mask.

She made her way silently into the Palace, waited until his kids had gone to bed before she struck, but as she went to make her move his youngest Madiline walked in.


"Yes Madiline."

"I-I wanted to show you something."

At that the young girl stomped on the ground and summoned a mound of rock from the floor. Alana's heart dropped as she watched the man stand up from his thrown and walk towards the girl. He was furious fire burning his finger tips. Alana knew what she had to do.

She sprang from her hiding place and blocked the young girl from the in coming blast of fire.

"Who are you!" He demanded but Alana couldn't careless.

Hammerhead let out his attacks leaving Alana no choice but to doge she just hoped Madiline was ok. She was a strong fighter and was just about able to hold her own against him.

After a few minutes Alana could hear the place guards making their way towards the thrown room. She knew she'd never win so she ran. She was all but lost when Hammerheads son and daughter ran up to her.

"Help! Please you have to help us!"

The two hid behind her. She could hear guards drawing closer. She didn't know where to go, she couldn't fight them all not alone. She glanced out the window, it was a steep drop into a raging river but they had better odds jumping than fighting. She sieved her sword behind her back and grabbed the pair. She dragged them to the window and jumped. As they fell she was surprised when a cushion of air was there to slow their fall. As soon as they hit the river a bone shivering cold shot through Alana, she struggled to surface but when she did she couldn't see Finn or Madiline anywhere. She dove back down and was relieved to see Finn not far from her.

She dragged him to the surface and over to shore. No sooner than they got there Madiline surface.


Alana didn't think she jumped back into the cold. By the time she'd gotten back to shore she could see the guards making their way out of the Palace.

"We have to go now."

They all quietly made their way into the forest, disappearing into the night. As always Alana left no clue that she was there, no one saw her come and no one saw her go. The only thing that remained, the only proof Hammerhead had of this supposed assassins was their mask. The blue spirit.

Less than a month later in a small fire nation village three rogue spirits saved a young women from low life criminals. And that is how the story of the Blue, Red and Yellow Spirit began, three lost spirits roaming the fire nation some swore they were spirits yet to cross over, others believed they were sent by Agni them self to protect the innocent people of the fire nation, the only person who knows the truth is the old man who sold Alana the masks. He recognised her when she saved him from a local thug trying to break into his theatre. He never said a word to the fire nation guards when they asked, but well Nereus did like to gossip, and who better to gossip with than an old friend over a good game of Pai Sho.

For anyone who doesn't get the reference, Pai Sho was used by the white lotus as a way to identify members and pass information. I think Nereus would definitely have joined.

In this Au Alana Finn and Maddy all stay in the fire nation for the first couple of years and Alana changes her views along the way. They eventually leave to try and help some earth kingdom towns as well and that's how they meet Fontaine and Ant.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works

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