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So I have decided to continuie this book. I hope you enjoy!

Alana had met Finn and Maddy a little over a week ago. In that time she'd come to three conclusions. One the fire lord was the worst kind of scum to ever walk the earth, two the fire nation had some tasty food and cool legends, and three they wouldn't last a day without her. As it turns out neither Finn nor Madiline were able to survive on their own. She had sent them into town to get food and supplies but the pair ended up getting chased out when Finn decided to show off his air bending. The two apologies but the damage was already done and they had to move on.

Alana had spent years training to survive a whole manner of different situations but nothing she was taught trained her for this. Taking care of the two wasn't easy, they tended to attract trouble. Like that time Alana took a nap and the pair some how got arrested. Luckily for them Alana had taught them how to use a knife and pick a lock, they were out before Alana could wake up. Or the time Finn stole an air bending scroll from pirates and got chased out of the market.

One day a local theatre was putting on a blue spirit play and Alana decided it was time to get some disguises. She picked up a yellow mask a purple mask and a blue mask to replace the one she'd lost. She had started walking back to the camp site when she spotted some thugs trying to steal and old lady's purse. She acted on instinct, she slipped on her mask and went to help. By he time she was done the two thugs were bruised and bleeding, they ran off leaving Alana to help the lady.

"Oh thank you dearie, some people are just so rude."

"No problem Mrs, are you ok?"

"Yes yes, I'm fine."

Alana nodded and help the lady pick up her groceries that had been scattered everywhere. Once done Alana turned to make her way back to camp only to see Finn and Maddy on the other side of the street. She walk over.

"Can you teach us?!"

"You want to learn to fight?"


"Ok then, training begins at sunrise tomorrow."

"Sunrise?! Oh come on!"

"Take it or leave it Finn."

Finn and Maddy were quick learners and quickly caught on to what Alana taught them. In a few months they had learned how to move silently through the trees or how to quickly climb walls without bending. At every town they'd stop at she made them run drills the two sometimes hated her for it but she knew they'd thank her later. After a while Alana started letting them come on missions with her, she taught them how to infiltrate fire nation bases tho neither on could ever seem to stay quiet enough to pull it off. They always drew attention to themselves and got captured or chased out. If they were captured Alana would come down to their cell and laugh at them until she'd decided they'd suffered enough a let them out.

It had been a little over a year since Alana met Finn and Maddy, they had moved to the earth kingdom after the fire nation put out several warrants for their arrest. They'd driven the fire nation out of several towns and this seemed to spark legends surrounding the three. Alana usually listened to the legends, she found that it was often helpful to see what her enemy though about her. Finn and Maddy would listen to but mainly because they liked people telling them how awesome they were.

Alana knew she'd be captured eventually, she just didn't expect it to be today. She had been on a stake out watching this one fire nation base when she was spotted and thrown in a jail cell. Luckily for her they didn't search her to throughly and she still had one of her knives. She was thinking of a plan to get out of there when a young girl was thrown in beside her. She git an idea.

Less than ten minutes later the two were running into the forest. When the pair stopped to catch their breath they finally introduced themself.

"I'm Fontaine and you are?"

"Alana, nice to meet you."

Alana ended up helping Fontaine find her little brother then she showed her back to their camp site.

"Umm who's that?"

"This is Fontaine and that's Ant."


Finn spent the night attempting to flirt with Fontaine, Ant and Maddy spent most of the night talking and planning pranks they could play on the fire nation soldiers and Alana spent the night planning how to break Ant and Maddy out when the caught.

The next day Alana woke up at sunrise as she always had. She decided to go on an early morning walk when she came across a boat. When she got closer she realised it was a tea shop, she decided to head onboard.

"Hello, I'm Kayda welcome to the Jasmine dragon. How can I help you?"

"Umm, well what would you recommend?"

"Well I would recommend the Jasmine tea, it's the house brew."

"... how are you this cheery? Its to early."

"I have no idea!"

The girl turned and opened the door to the kitchen only for a tiny little dragon to fly out.


The dragon landed on Alana's head. The dragon leaned over to look Alana in the eyes.

"... where did you get a dragon?"

The girl sighed.

"My friend Alpheus attracts all types of animals, there's a turtle duck somewhere around here."

"... a what?"

I have decided to make Kayda and Alpheus travelling tea sellers who go from place to place learning about different cultures.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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