Pyro adopts Alpheus au

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I hope you guys enjoy!!

Alpheus had been having a bad week. First he'd run into the Nektons who immediately tried to adopt him, and accidentally broke one of his engines in the process. Then his jet pack had malfunctioned and wasn't going straight and finally, the woa had arrested him. He wanted to scream.

He was locked in a holding cell until they could get back to their head quarters. Alpheus was not looking forward to it.

"Alpheus Benthos I am Commander Pyromsome."

"Hi nice to meet you. Before we go any further I've been up all night fixing my engine after the Nektons broke it. So would you be so kind as to get me a cup of coffee."

".. you sound like you're going to kill someone."

"I might if I don't get my coffee."

The Commander laughed.

"Sure, I'll be right back."

As promised she returned a few minutes later with a cup of coffee. He drunk it in only a few seconds.

"I'm surprised you haven’t tried to escape yet."

"Well to be honest I'd prefer to be sent to jail than have to live through another one of Kaiko's adoption attempts."

"Oh, she's trying to adopt you?"

Alpheus nodded.

"I don't blame you for trying to hid. Kaiko can be quite terrifying at times."

"At least you don't wake up to her in your room on a regular basis... can I get another coffee?"

"Of course. Why don't you come to the kitchen with me?"


Pyrosome showed Alpheus to the kitchen and made him another cup of coffee. The two soon got to talking about how much of a pain the Nektons could be.

When they got to the headquarters Alpheus expect to be lead to a cell. Instead Pyrosome said he could go anywhere he liked and as long as he stayed in the building she wouldn't tell the Nektons where to find him. Alpheus immediately agreed, he'd much rather spend his time here and go to court, potentially ending up in jail, than spend the rest of his life dodging the Nektons.

Alpheus had been staying with Pyrosome for a few weeks now. He was sitting with Pyrosome in her office when she asked him.

"So why haven't you tried to erase your case file?"

"Well... you've been nice to me and taking advantage of that... it just wouldn't be right."

Pyrosome sighed. She opened up the evidence folder that had been put together against Alpheus for the last several months.

"Ok listen to me, I'm going to go get us some coffee. I'm leaving my computer open, you've got five minutes, I don't want to have to send you to jail."

By the time Pyrosome got back everything was gone, neither one said a word when she sat down. They spent the next several hours like that, in silence. All the while Pyrosome had really started thinking. She didn't know when she started thinking of Alpheus as her son it just happened, but now she couldn't get the thought out of her head. She started think, Kaiko had adopted three criminals and no one had batted an eye. But Pyrosome was the head of the WOA. She couldn't just adopt him. Could she?

Pyro and Alpheus both seem like the type to have a hard time showing they care. Also Pyro was a little bit mad that she had to basically force him to not get sent to jail.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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