Time travel au

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I was thinking what if the staff some how sent the Nektons back in time, to the first time they met Alpheus how would things go

Ant was learning more and more about the staff everyday, he'd learned how to move objects and how to teleport which Fontaine absolutely hated cause sometimes he'd just teleport right in front of her just to freak her out.

Ant was practising a new spell it was supposed to be able to make him turn invisible but he messed it up. All of a sudden he was in his Knight he turned to look at Fontaine she was just as confused, they both stopped and looked around and that's when Ant was hit by Alpheus' emp.


Fontaine looked at Alpheus and made a split second decision, she grabbed Alpheus and started dragging him and her brother back to the Aronnax. That's when Kaiko and William called them on there comms.

"Ant what did you do?!"

"Ant's Knight shut down, he can't talk right now, but I think he sent up back in time."

"Yea... is Alpheus there?"

"He's yelling at me to let him go."

"You're kidnapping him?"

"Mum you know fine well if I didn't you would."

"Yea true, we'll met you back at the Aronnax."

When Fontaine got back Alpheus was still fighting to get out of the swamp Knights grip, Fontaine didn't let go until Ant was out of his Knight and her mum and dad were back. They locked Alpheus in a spare bed room until they could get rid of the peace of satellite, they warned him to hold onto something before they jumped.

As soon as they were sure they were out of danger they ran to check on Alpheus. He was fine other than a few bumps and bruises, he was very angry and obviously didn't want to be here but the Nektons wanted him to stay anyway. He tried to escape twice but was caught both times once by William and once by Kaiko. By the end of the day Alpheus was stressed out, he was on the verge of a break down and he knew it, he desperately wanted to get out of here.

When Kaiko came in to give him dinner he was sitting in the corner with his legs pulled up to his chest.

"Alpheus, are you ok?"

Kaiko walked over to him he was shaking.

"Hey Alpheus, can you tell me what's wrong?"

Alpheus shook his head, Kaiko grabbed a blanket off the bed and rapped it around him, she sat with him until he calmed down she didn't try to make him tell her why he was upset she hopped he'd come to her when he was ready.

"Do you feel better now?"

Alpheus nodded.

"Do you think you can eat something for us?" Kaiko said handing him the plate.

Alpheus shook his head.

"Ok, do you wanna sit in the study for a while maybe read a book?"

Alpheus nodded, he and Kaiko walked down to the study together, Kaiko noticed how scared Alpheus look and she felt bad. She knew this must be scary for him but it was better than leaving him to fall prey for whatever Produes had planned

Maybe I should write one on Finn getting kidnapped.

I'm just gonna keep writing till I burn out I wanna see how far I can get

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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