Httyd au

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Idk why but I'm really obsessed with the httyd au, hope you enjoy.

Alpheus, Kayda, Kai and Luner (Kayda's dragon) were exploring in Antarctica, there wasn't much to see until Kayda was suddenly knocked over by a baby sentinel.

"... seriously aren't we like hundreds of miles from the dragon grave yard?"

"Yea, poor things lost and freezing we need to get them warned up."

Alpheus wrapped his coat around the sentinel as they made their way back to his sub, the sentinel had fallen asleep by the time they got there.

"I didn't know sentinels actually fell asleep."

"Maybe the babys are different?"

As soon as the baby was safe and warm Alpheus spent hours in his study researching sentinels but he couldn't find much, there was very little on them, they had only been spotted a handful of times outside of dragon grave yards and no one had ever been inside one. Alpheus set a course for the nearest dragon grave yard he hoped the baby could find another sentinel to take care of it.

When they finally arrived they were shocked. The grave yard was in ruins, the hunters had been here, all the sentinels were gone. Kayda couldn't believe it.

"We can't just leave him here Alpheus, grab some of that fruit we can try to grow it."

"These hunters are getting worse and worse, when I find out who's doing this I swear I'll kill them."

Alpheus and Kayda spent the rest of the day harvesting as much fruit as they could, it would be a long journey to the next grave yard and they had to make sure they weren't followed.

The next day they decided to explode the island maybe there was a clue to where the hunts went. Kayda wasn't expected to find an old abandoned hut. When she went inside she saw a cylinder shaped thing with a dragon head made of gold at on end and glass at the other, when she went to take a closer look she saw a key hole it was shaped like a snow wraith tooth.

Kayda decided to take it with her, what ever it was it didn't belong in the hunters hands. As Kayda took a closer look around she came across five hexagons with glass in the centre. She took them took before heading out.

When Alpheus got back Kayda was waiting for him.

"Hey Alpheus look at this cool thing I found."

Kayda pulled a cylinder thing out of her bag.

"I'm calling it the dragon eye, I also found these cool hexagon things I was going to use them to start fires."

"Please don't."

"Also do you still have that snow wraith tooth cause I think it unlocks this."

"I yea I think so, I'll go take a look."

Alpheus had been tinkering with this thing for hours but it just wouldn't work. Kai was sick of her human over working himself she shot a small plasma blast towards him, she was just as surprised as Alpheus was when the dragon eye suddenly projected an image onto the walk.

"What is this thing?"

I had to add the dragon eye, it just kinda fits.

Please tell me what you'd like to see next cause I'm running out of ideas.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

Have a good day/night.

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