Ghosts hunter au

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It was pitch black outside at the three friends made their way to the abandoned mansion at the end of their street. It had been abandoned for years after a boys was murdered inside. There were rumours going about that the place was haunted.

"Fontaine, we shouldn't be doing this!"

"Come on Finn, it's just a mansion it's probably not even haunted."

"Yea, don't be a scarede cat Finn!" Jess teased.

A few minutes later the three got to the wall surrounding the property.

"Now what do we do?"

Jess looked around. She eventually found a tree with branches growing over the wall. The three climbed up the tree, threw down their bags and jumped down.

"Well that wasn't do hard!"

Finn grabbed his bag off the ground and the trio made their way towards the mansion.

As soon as they stepped foot in the mansion a cool breeze wrapped around their necks.

"Wow, this place is so cool!"

"It's so freaky."

"It's perfect Jess get the camera!"

Jess opened her bag and pulled out one of their cameras. She turned it on and pointed it towards Fontaine, who'd taken the time to grab a torch.

"Three two one action!"

"Hey guys and welcome back to our ghosts hunting adventures, we're back in out home town for the first time in years and we wanted to check out this old mansion."

"Unfortunately, Alana won't be here for a few hours so we're just gonna kill time until they get here."

"Awww you scared Finn?"

"I just feel slightly safer When's she's there cursing out the ghosts. At least then the ghosts is gonna kill her not me!"

"Woooow. You'd really just toss her to the ghost like that?" Jess snickered from behind the camera.

"Like you wouldn't!"

"As I was saying. Alana's not here yet so we're gonna take a look around, we'll see you guys when she gets here."

"Remember to tune in tomorrow for our live stream! We'll be coming to you live from this very mansion!"

"Annd cut!"

Fontaine reached down and grabbed her bag.

"Ok so witch way should we go?"

"Let's see if we can get into the attic."

The three made their way upstairs, as they walked up they heard a loud crash from downstairs.

"... what was that?"

"Let's find out!"

"Let's not."

"Oh come on Finn, what's the worst that can happen?"

Fontaine and Jess started running down the stairs. Finn sighed and followed.

They never found where the sound came from but it wasn't long before Alana showed. Jess of course grabbed the camera and started recording.

"Hey guys! Alana's here so let's get started, we're gonna do a quick tour of the house and see if we can find anything with the E.M.F reader."

"I've got a better solution!"

Alana jumped up onto the table.


Finn rolled his eyes.

"Stop passing off the ghost Alana!"


Fontaine laughed.

"Ok ok, while she's daring a ghost to smite her, I suppose Finn could tell us a little bit about them."

Jess shifted the camera over to Finn.

"Well, the ghost's name is Alpheus, he lived her almost thirty years ago. He was murdered and the police never found his killer. Ever since then anyone who lives in this house has gotten ill or injured. Many people reported hearing screaming."


as soon as the words left her mouth the table she was standing on split in two right down the middle. Alana fell flat on her back.


A chill shoot up Finn's spine."

"Serves you right."

Alana sat up and shivered

"Hey does anyone else feel like something watching them?"

"Now that you mention it, yea."

"It's probably nothing."

Fontaine reached into her bag and grabbed the E.M.F reader. When she turned it on the E.M.F reader immediately light up to five.

"... its never done that this quickly before."

"Quick Finn grab the oujda board!"

Finn opened Fontaine's bag and pulled it out. Jess set up the tri pod and sat down.

"Hello are there any ghost here who would like to talk to us?"

Nothing happened.

"Are there any ghost here who want to kill us?"

Once again nothing.

Alana then stood up.

"I'm gonna keep passing this ghost off!"

"Please don't. Let's just get this over with, there's obviously nothing here."

"We've haven't even been here that long, give it an hour."


Nothing happened for the rest of the night. They walked around the entire mansion, Alana shouting profanities at the ghosts while Finn begged her to stop.

Eventually they all decide to call it in for the night and head back to their hotel. They needed a good night's rest of the live stream.

Fontaine was woken up the next morning to Jess. Jess had shaking her awake in a panic.

"Fontaine, I don't think we were alone in that mansion last night!"

"What are you talking about?"


Jess pointed to the screen. There was the opened recordings from last night. An there clear as day was a shadowy figure right behind Alana.

"And that's not the worst part. She's at the mansion getting set up alone."

What's gonna happen to Alana? You decide in the comments!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works.

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