Httyd au

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DanielleHarris402 wanted to see more of the Httyd au. We've seen a lot from the httyd au, but we haven't seen the Nektons meeting Alpheus yet. Enjoy!!

As Ant walked through the halls of this weird guys sub, he got the feeling something was watching him. When he eventually got to the bridge, he didn't see anyone.

"Um Hello?"

"Antaeus Nekton, my name is Alpheus Benthos. I wanted to meet you."

"Meeting on the boat wasn't good enough for you?"

That's when Ant noticed the screen, his sister was banging on the air lock.

"She sure is persistent isn't she." Alpheus said

"My sister-"

"Is fine, Aria make her more fine."

Ant saw the air lock doors open on screen and his sister head inside.

"So you are distended to be my nemesis Antaeus."

"I'm kinda busy most days, I don't have a lot of time for nemesises. So how about you just give me back the satellite hard drive."


Ant was surprised when Alpheus chucked it at him.

"It doesn't change our destiny's."

Ant took a better look around the bridge, hoping to find something he could use to stall for time.

"This sub is amazing, where'd you get it?"

"I created it."

"Seriously wooow."

"It runs on a nuclear fusion system, faster than anything beneath the-"

"Your pilots chair has a cup holder!!"

Ant walked over and started opening and closing the cup holder. A few seconds later he heard the door to the bridge open. Two dragons walked in one large orange and blue one, and a slightly smaller white one.


Ant dived behind Alpheus' chair, he'd only ever seen dragons in text books, but he knew just how dangerous they could be. Alpheus didn't seem fazed by the two dragons invading his sub. One of the dragons, the big orange one that Ant now recognised as a death song spotted him. The dragons immediately ran over to see who their new friend was.

"ALPHEUS DON'T JUST SIT THERE HELP MEE!!" Ant screamed as he ran away from the beast.

"Melody, come."

The dragon looked over to Alpheus then happily made her way over to him. It took Ant a few seconds to catch his breath.

"What was that!!"

"Ant, meet my crew, well part of my crew."

"... you live on a submarine filled with dragons?!"

"Yea, what's the big deal."


Ant started scratching behind Kai's ears. She let out a purr before licking his face.


A few seconds later Melody walked towards him, she looked at him curiously for a few seconds before Ant started scratching behind her horns. Eventually Kai shook him off, Ant though he did something wrong until he was snatched by a Changewing.

"Hey, HEY! Put him down!!"

Alpheus walked over towards them the Changewing looked at a low whine before putting Ant back on the ground.
As soon as his feet touched the ground he started asking questions.

"How many dragons do you have? Do you have any Tidal class dragons? Oh what about tracker class, they're soo cool! But so is the strike class, do you have a favourit-"

Kai apparently had enough of his constant rambling and knocked him over with her tail.

"Hey! Rude! Any where was I?"

Alpheus, who was so done with Ant, walked over to his pilots chair and hit the eject button. Ant watched a glass tube come down around him and caught the rebreather in his hands.

"Hey what are you do- AHHH." Ant screamed as he was ejected.

"Alpheus, warning woa submarines are approaching."

"Aria, get us out of here."

Ant is now on a mission to track Alpheus down, he wants Fontaine to see that dragons are real and that Alphues has an entire crew of them.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's.

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