Morse code arguments

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Plaws_Xaver asked me to do this. I'd go check them out if you haven't already, they've done their own version of this. Enjoy!!

Kaiko was walking down to the study to give Will some coffee. When she got there she found Ant and Alpheus sitting on opposite sides of the room, they were both frantically tapping. She walked over to Will and handed him his coffee.

"What are they doing?"

"They're arguing."

-•--/---/••-/•-•/• •-/-•/-•/---/-•--/••/-•/--•

(You're annoying!)

---/•••• •--/•/•-/•••• •--/•/•-••/•-•• -•--/---/••-/•-• ••••/•-/••/•-• •••/••-/-•-•/-•-/•••

(Oh yeah well your hair sucks!)

Ant realised his mistake almost immediately and bolted


Ant ran out the door with Alpheus hot on his heels.

"Any idea what he said?"

"No clue."

An hour later, they found Ant with bright yellow hair.

"Not a word."

Alpheus and Fontaine were struggling not to laugh.

From that day on Ant and Alpheus would constantly talk to eachother in morse code. It annoyed everyone but especially Fontaine. Ant decided to take advantage of that.

"Hey Alpheus, let's make Fontaine paranoid."

"What are you planning?"

"Any time she walks in, let's start talking in morse code. It will drive her insane!"

"That sounds fun I'm in."

Over the next few weeks Ant and Alpheus constantly started tapping when Fontaine walked in. Usually they were just making up random sentences. Things like

'Purple cardigans are taking over the world'


'My bed sheets are aliens'

Every time Fontaine would get mad and demanded they tell her what they were saying. The two would just laugh and walk away.

Eventually Fontaine had enough and confronted them about it

"Seriously Ant, he's your nemesis!!"

"Ex nemesis, he's family now."

"Um what, I never agreed to this.

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't!"

"You did! When you became my nemesis there was a thirty percent chance you'd be adopted!!"

"You should've read the fine print Alpheus ."

Alpheus groaned.

"I'm never leaving here am I?"

"No, but do you really want to?"

"No, not anymore."

Ant smiled.

"Awww, you love us Alphie!"

"What NO!"

Fontaine and Ant both laughed. Alpheus rolled his eyes and walked out.

"Ok, seriously what were you two talking about?"


"Really bees?"

"I can be more specific."


Ant smirked

"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its w-."


Fontaine bolted.


Fontaine ended up hiding in Alpheus' closet for the rest of the day. Alpheus found her when he was looking for a shirt. They both just stared at eachother for a few seconds before Alpheus grabbed a shirt and shut the door. Less than thirty seconds later Ant burst in.

"Its wings are too small to get it-"


Fontaine ran out of the closet she pasted Alpheus on the way who had a 'wtf' look on his face.

Ant started using morse code to annoy Alpheus. He stopped when Alpheus duck taped him to the ceiling and left him there.

Alpheus will never escape the Nektons, they are determined.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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