Date crashing au

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SerrianGovender wanted to see Ant and Maddy spying on Finn and Fontaine's date so here it is.

Fontaine had been acting weird all week, she'd been spending a lot more time in her room and Ant was starting to get suspicious. He snuck through the vents to see what was going on, he wasn't surprised when Finn called he should have known he would have something to do with it. He listened to them talk for hours on end and he was starting to get bored, he was just about to leave when Finn asked Fontaine if she'd like to do on a date. Ant's curiosity got the better of him and when Fontaine left to go meet up with Finn he followed.

Finn had been different lately he'd been happier Maddy knew something was happening but she didn't know what. Finn had been sneaking out in the red claw every other night, Maddy decided to follow him. She found him sneaking onto the Aronnax, she was just about to leave when she saw Fontaine come out in the mimic Knight and follow Finn, less than a minute later Ant came out in the rover, he saw her. He drove over to her and opened the hatch. Once the water drain he yelled at her.

"What are you doing her!!"

"My brother's here I want to know what he's up to!"

"Well she on a date with my sister."

Maddy looked at him like he'd grown a second head.

"Maddy, please tell me you are not that stupid."


After a few minutes the two agreed to work together to spy on their siblings. Ant tunes into their radio signal so they could listen in on their conversations. For the most part Finn and Fontaine just flirted with eachother like they always did. Ant and Maddy ended up talking to eachother bit by bit as the night went on. They both wanted there siblings to be happy, so they came to an agreement they wouldn't say anything to Kaiko, Will or Hammerhead neither of them though there parents would take the news well, they also agreed to share and information they got. Ant ended up leaving Maddy back to the Dark Orca, they both agreed to act like nothing happened.

The next time Finn and Fontaine went on a date it was on the surface they were star gazing Finn was telling Fontaine about the stories behind the consolations and Fontaine told him about all the wonderful things they'd seen that week. While they were doing that Ant and Maddy were hidden in a bush nearby, they were arguing but very quietly trying not to give themselves away. They apparently weren't quite enough, they were both dragged out by their very angry siblings.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Well umm... SCATTER!!!"

Ant and Maddy bolted into the forest, Finn and Fontaine followed yelling at them for ruining their date.

Hope you enjoyed

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

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