Hogwarts au

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DanielleHarris402 wanted to see war so here we go. Tw: Umbridge uses her quill thing.

The gangs latest prank had gone wrong, while making their escape Finn was caught. He was taken to Umbridge's office and had to wait for her to come talk to him.

"Now, Finn is it?"


"Great, would you be a dear and tell me who you were working with?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I think you do... fine if you won't tell me then I guess a punishment is in order."

Umbridge place a quill and a peice of paper down in front of him.

"Now I want you to write 'I will not yell lies'."

"How many times?"

"Just until the message sinks in."

As Finn began to write his arm started to tingle, then it started to burn. He pulled up his sleeve to see the sentence burnt into his skin.

"I think you can head back to your dorm now."

Finn got out of that office as soon as he could. He decided to go to Alana's dorm first, out of all of his friends she was the one he trusted most, plus she always had the best snacks.

Finn walked up the stairs and opened the door to her dorm. There were a few other girls in there but no one looked very surprised to see him.

"Finn what's wrong?"

"Well, umm Alana can we talk in private?"

"Ok Finn, everyone out! Come on don't make me get the broom!"

All the girls ran out down into the common room. Finn sat down on Alana's bed.

"Are you ok?"

Finn pulled up his sleeve. Alana was silent for a few seconds before she finally spoke up.

"I'm going to kill her."

"Alana, you'll get arrested."

"I don't care."

Alana grabbed some snacks out f a boy under her bed handed them to Finn and started marching down the hall. She walked up to the Gryffindor common room and started banging on the door.



A few seconds later Kayda opened the door. Alana shoved Finn inside.

"Ant watch him."

After that Alana and Kayda walked out. Ant looked at Finn.

"What happened?"

"Umbridge f*cked up."

"What do you mean Umbridge f*cked up?"

"I'll tell you later, let's go see your sister." 

"Ok, can I have some of your snacks?"

Finn nodded then handed Ant the pile of sweets Alana had given him. They made their way to Ravenclaw common room when Alana, Kayda and Fontaine walked past.

"Oh hey Fontaine."

"Finn are you ok?!"

Fontaine hugged him tightly.

"I'm fine, where's Alpheus."

"Restricted section."

"Why is he in the Restricted section?"

"Why do you think?"

"Hey Fontaine are we going to commit a murder or not?"

"Coming! Why don't you two go wait with Alpheus, I've got some work to do."

Finn nodded, thats when they heard Umbridge walking down the hall.

"You know students are not permitted to be within three feet of eachother."

Finn looked at the girls. Fontaine drew her wand Alana picked up a mace and Kayda picked up her sword.

Twenty minutes later Umbridge's hair was cut and dyed green. She had been duck taped to the whomping willow tree, inside the castle the girls had reeked havoc, the third floor hall had been turned into a massive swam. Some had joined in and they managed to replace all the candles in the great hall with fire works set to go off as soon as Umbridge entered the room. They'd set up smoke bombs through out the school as well as alarms in Umbridge's office and dorms.

"We are so expelled."

Alana said as she dumped a pile of Umbridge's clothes into a tub full of black dye.

"Oh don't worry," McGonagall said "She'll never know it was you."

Meanwhile with Alpheus, Ant and Finn.

"This is boring!"

Alpheus sighed and put his book down.

"Ant, it's been ten minutes."

There was a loud bang from outside the library.

"... Alana or Fontaine?"

"I'd say Kayda."

"Guys I have a history test in twenty minutes can you please keep it down."

"Awww is someone mad?"

"Ant I will throw you out a window."

"You'll have to catch me first!!"

Ant sprinted out of the to find students marching down the halls yelling. 'Down with Umbridge, down with Umbridge!!'

"... Alpheus I don't think you have to worry about your history test."

Alana, Fontaine and Kayda started a revaluation. Alpheus is not impressed.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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