werewolf au

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Me and lunaeclipse1205 are kind of working on this together. So enjoy!! Tw: mentions of blood

Ant was trying to get use to his new form, after the first full moon he'd often transform when he was stressed out or scared. He was starting to worry that he'd transform in front of his family and hurt them. He was trying to get it under control but nothing was working. He decided the best option was to go back to the island where he was first bitten. It was surprisingly easy to convince his parents to go back. His family, even Fontaine, seemed a little worried about him.

When they got to the island Ant looked everywhere for the wolf that bit him. Ant couldn’t remember much about the wolf he knew was a large wolf it must have been almost six foot tall. Ant was using his advanced senses to try and find them but nothing was working. Soon the sun had set and there was no sign of the wolf anywhere. Ant was about to return home when he heard a howl in the distance. Was trying to figure out where it came from when he felt the hand on his shoulder.

Ant jumped and accidentally turned into a wolf. He quickly turned to see Fontaine.

"Ant? .... are you pfft HAHAHA!!"

Ant barked at her.

"Pfft HA You're adorable!!! Awww!!"

Ant let out a huff as Fontaine continued laughing.

"Oooh I have got to show this to Jess! Smile for the camera!"

Ant barked and jumped back.

"Aww it's just one little picture!"

Ant let out a low growl, then pounced on her. Fontaine was startled as she fell back. Ant was surprisingly strong.


Fontaine looked scared and Ant immediately felt bad he jumped off Fontaine and looked sorry.

"What are you?"

Ant barked and jumped back.

"Can you turn back?"

Ant shook his head. He still hadn't figured out how to change on command.  He looked towards the Aronnax and saw his mum and dad coming towards him. When they saw Ant Kaiko and Will looked at eachother then back at Ant.

"Ant, we have something to tell you."

"We probably should have told you sooner."

Ant was worried and suddenly he was back in his human body.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Well you see, you're adopted and-"

"HA I knew it!"

"Don't laugh Fontaine you're adopted too."

"Exscuse me?!"

"Kaiko found you, Ant on an island like this one, there was a note asking whoever found you to take care of you."

"So, I was always like this? A Werewolf?"

"Probably Ant, it was probably just a coincidence that you transformed now."

"Probably, but the wolf that bit me was definitely a Werewolf, maybe they can help me."

"Maybe, but we should call it a day and get some sleep."

"... Ok, but can I take one last look please?"

Kaiko smiled.

"Of course. We'll meet you inside."

Ant heard Fontaine talking to their mum and dad as they walked away. She was asking about where they had found her and what not.

"Hello!! Anyone out there? Any wolf out there?"

Ant started walking further into the forest. He was about to head back when he tripped over a tree branch. He tumbled down a small cliff and ended up in a cave. He quickly noticed Alpheus' submarine half submerged in a pool of water and panicked. He was quickly back into his wolf form, he immediately started looking for a way out.

When he turned around he saw the wolf that bit him silently walking on from other side of the water, luckily for Ant he hadn't seemed to notice him. In its mouth was one of Alpheus' helmets. The glass was shattered and there was blood Ant could smell it. Ant was about to turn and run when the wolf looked over and locked eyes with him.

What happened to Alpheus what's going to happen to Ant. Find out in the next chapter!!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!!

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