Httyd au

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More of the httyd au hope you enjoy

Fontaine was having a good time, Amber and her had brought the dark orca to its knees, they made the mistake of kidnapping her. Needless to say all the pirates were incase in amber in less than 20 minutes, all except Finn and Maddy, they hid in the vents as soon as they saw the dragon. She climed out onto the top of the dark orca deciding to wait for her parents there, that was until Alpheus' death song showed up

"Umm... hi are you friendly?"

Fontaine and Amber were quickly scooped up by the dragon and they flew off


Alpheus was having a lovely dream until his was woken up by Kai and Melody dragging him out of the bed.

"Nooo, guys I wanna sleep."

Alpheus let himself be dragged down the hall towards the air locks he was still half asleep when he noticed Fontaine.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your crazy dragon kidnapped me!!"

"... Which one?"

"... what do you mean which one the death song!!"

"Which death song I have two."

Fontaine stared at him for a few seconds

"You know what it doesn't matter, can you just leave please I'm tired."

"I would but there holding he hostage!!"

That's when Alpheus noticed the baby death song

"Ohhh now I get it, Melody thinks your her kids."


"Calm down, it's fine it's not like she's gonna hurt you."

Fontaine began pacing

"Alpheus I can't stay here mum's probably already looking for me, and what would I even say?"

"'A dragon adopted me', see simple happens to me all the time."

"What? Really?"

"Yep, it's gotten to the point where I can't go on land anymore because some dragon will just come out of nowhere and adopt me."

Fontaine shook her head

"Tell you what, when the Aronnax gets close enough I'll distract Melody and you two can go."

"Aww you going soft on us Alpheus."

"Not on you on the baby, what's her name anyway?"

"Amber, she's the best."

"I bet she is, oh hey the Aronnax is in range, go call your mother I'll take Melody with me."

Alpheus gets up and walks away Melody and Kai follow closely behind him.

Fontaine leans into her comm

"Hey mum can you come pick me up."

"Fontaine where are you, what happened."

"Long story, jow quickly can you get here?"

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

"And then he just let me go."

Everyone was giving Fontaine a weird look


"That's just very unlike Alpheus." Kaiko said as she turned towards her controls

"Well I mean he does love dragons, I saw at least seven different species on his sub and I didn't even recognise half of them!!"

"REALLY!!" Ant yelled with a big grin on his face

"Yep, maybe next time he kidnaps you he'll let you see some."


Ant is dragon obsessed you can not change my mind

I'm also on ao3 now under the same name if you wanna check that out

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night

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