coffee shop au

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Alpheus was just finishing his shift at the Aronnax. Fiction was in the back cleaning up. He was just about to lock the front door when a customer walked in.

"Sorry Miss we're closed."

"No you're not! The doors open so you're open!"

Alpheus internally sighed, he figured it would just be easier to go along with it.

"Fine, what can I get for you?"

"I'll have a triple chocolate mocca with three pumps of vanilla at the bottom, no whipped cream and chocolate powder sprinkled over the top."

"Of course. Is that all?"

"Watch your tone young man! I could have you fired with one phone call, the owners happen to be close friends of mine."

Alpheus was fairly sure that was bullsh*t. Kaiko and Will had already introduced him to most if not all of their friends.

"Suure, I'll go make your coffee."

Alpheus walked into the back.

"Are you ok Alpheus?"

"Yea I'm fine, there's just a rude customer demanding I get her a .... I don't even remember."

"Just kick her out."

"Nah, it's just easier to go along with it."

"Kick her out."

"She says she's friends with Kaiko and Will and I don't wanna get fired."

Fiction looked at him for a second before shrugging.

"Well you need to go ask her what she ordered."

Alpheus sighed. He walked back out.

"Sorry miss, what did you want again?"

This seemed to set her off.


The woman proceeded to rant for a few more seconds before Fiction walked in and tried to kick her out. Witch only resulted in more yelling. Eventually Alpheus had enough and called Kaiko.

"Hey Alpheus, what going on?"

"There's a lady here who says you're her friend, she's yelling at us and won't leave."

"... call the police, I'll be there in ten minutes."

Kaiko then hung up. Alpheus was confused and decided to tell Fiction.

"Fiction, Kaiko wants me to call the police."


"Not talking to you crazy lady."

That seemed to piss the lady off. She jumped over the counter and went to slap him. Alpheus dogged but she still managed to scratch his cheek with her nails.


Fiction then tackled the lady before she could do anything else. Alpheus called the police and they waited for them to arrive. Luckily it didn't take to long. As soon as the police showed up the lady immediately started playing the victim. Fortunately for Alpheus and Fiction they had the security cameras to back up their story. By the time Kaiko got there the lady was already being put into the back of a police car. She ran into the coffee shop to see Alpheus sat on the counter while Fiction cleaned the cut on his face.

"Alpheus are you ok?!"

"I'm fine Kaiko it's just a scratch."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

Kaiko Fiction and Alpheus ended up talking to the police for almost an hour . Once she was done she offered to drive Alpheus home the last bus had left a long time ago.

"Nah it fine, Fiction was gonna drive me home."

"Are you sure?"


Kaiko sighed.

"Ok then, get home safe."

"I will!"

Once Kaiko had left Alpheus got into Fiction's car.

"So, when are you gonna tell Kaiko your mum kicked you out?"

Alpheus will never. He knows if he moves into Kaiko's house she'd never let him leave.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's. Have a good day/night!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now