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Let's start the new year off with some dragon cuteness. Five times Alpheus' dragons took care of him and one time he returned the favour.

After a week of taking care of Kai Alpheus noticed some odd habits, Kai would grab anything shiny and leave it in his room, she'd followed Alpheus everywhere and get jealous when he'd talk to people, Alpheus never thought about it much he loved his little dragon and she'd scared off anybody looking for trouble. Kai would always cuddle up to Alpheus which he didn't mind it was nice to work on a project while Kai peaceful slept on his lap. She'd wake up every now and again and force her human to take a break because he'd always forget, Alpheus just thought she wanted his attention but she was just making sure her human was ok. She was always doing things like that, she'd decided her human was an idiot who couldn't take care of himself so she'd just have to do it for him.

A few months later Alpheus was woken up by Kai and Melody licking his.

"Ack no!"

Alpheus pushed them out of bed he had been feeling really upset all week and he really wasn't in the mood to deal with their antics. His dragon were getting concerned, Alpheus got mad at them all the time but he never pushed them put of bed. Kai jumped up onto the bed this time she didn't try to wake him up she just lied down next to him, covered him with her wing and cooed. Alpheus held onto Kai, after a few minutes Melody joined them on the bed she pushed her way in between Kai and Alpheus then cuddled into Alpheus' chest and fell asleep. The pair kept bring him things to make him happy, he started smiling again and they were both so happy they had their human back.

One day Sparkey ran into Alpheus' room he jumped up onto the bed to wake Alpheus, but Sparkey noticed that Alphues was shaking. Sparkey woke up him gently Alpheus groaned.


His voice was scratchy and he definitely had a fever. Sparkey rushed out of the room he panicked he'd never seen Alpheus sick before and he was really worried. He dragged Melody and Kai into Alpheus' room because he knew they could help. While Melody was just as panicked Kai was calm, she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. When she got back Melody and Sparkey had calm down and had cuddled in beside Alpheus. Kai walked over and gave Alpheus the water bottle.

"Thanks Kai."

Kai got behind Alpheus to help him sit up as he drunk the water.

"Kai, you can get down now."

Kai moved out from behind him and used her tail to gently lower him back onto his pillow. She then left Melody and Sparkey in charge of keeping Alpheus in the bed while she tried to find something for Alpheus to eat. She found some leftovers in a box in the fridge and brought them to his room.

"Ok, I guess need to baby proof my kitchen."

Kai helped Alpheus sit up and then Alpheus took the left overs. When he finished eating, Kai took the box, Melody grabbed more blankets and Sparkey grabbed more pillows. Alpheus slept for most of the day anytime he woke up they got him some water and food.

When he was feeling better Alpheus started baby proofing the kitchen he hoped it would keep them from eating all his food, he was proven wrong when Kai dropped a bottle of milk at his feet and just stared at him like she was daring him to do something about it.

When Produes came aboard every dragon hated him almost immediately, they thought he was creepy and manipulative. They never left Produes in the same room as Alpheus, they didn't trust him, they thought he would hurt their human so they would do everything in their power to protect him. Anytime Produes moved to fast or came to close they would growl or fire at him, Alpheus had told them off multiple time but non of them listened.

Alpheus had been working himself to death despite their attempts to get him to sleep or eat. When Alpheus finally crashed they were there to help him, they got him to bed and grabbed some food. Less then an hour after Alpheus fell asleep Produes stormed in and demanded he got up, Alpheus was half awake when Kai Melody Leon (a triple strike) dragged him out of the room, Leon threw him down the hall and Melody shot him with her amber and they left him stuck to the wall for the rest of the night.

When Alpheus got up the next morning he apologied to Produes and got him down. Produes was mad but said nothing from that day on he knew who was in charge he never tried to drag Alpheus way from the dragons again because he knew what would happen.

When their home was destroyed Alpheus was in shambles, Kaiko had tried to help but couldn't do much so Kai took charge she curled around him and cooed. Alpheus clingged onto her and cried, Kai sat there and let him.

"Alpheus, its gonna be ok."

Ant, Fontaine and William ran in they stopped in there track when they saw Alpheus.


Kai pulled Alpheus closer. The Nektons tried their best to help but Kai wouldn't let them get close, she didn't trust them. Eventually the others joined Kai and huddled around Alpheus, the Nektons never tried to move them, they new better. When Alpheus stopped crying he didn't even try to get out of the pile he let his dragons protect him, he slept there that night but the dragons never slept they stayed up all night protecting their human.

When Kaiko came in the next morning, she saw Alpheus wide awake he was still upset but he looked better than yesterday.

"Hey Alpheus, are you hungry?"

Alpheus nodded

"I'll go get you some food then."

Alphues had been at the sanctuary for over three months now, it had been peaceful until Kai got sick. Alpheus sat by her like she'd done for him, he brought her food and water, he made sure she was comfortable. Sparkey and Melody were there they were comforting Kai. Kai eventually fell asleep, so did Sparkey, so did Melody but not Alpheus he stayed up up all night to make sure Kai was alright.

When Kayda checked on Kai the next morning her fever had gone down and Alpheus had never been more relieved.

Heyy happy new year

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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