Best friends au

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Hey I'm bored.
Hope you enjoy.

Fontaine had just finished dinner, she had just walked into her room when she heard.

"Hello Fontaine."

She looked up to see Alpheus sat in a chair into the corner of her room.

"Hey Alpheus, you will not believe the week I've had."

"Oh do tell."

"Well first off we ran into the pirates again so Finn being Finn he flirted with me the whole time, Ant overheard and won't stop teasing me about it, secondly-"

Fontaine paused for a second, she could hear Ant running down the hall.

"Is that Ant?"


"Is he coming to annoy you?"


Alpheus paused for a moment.

"I'm hiding in your closet."

Alpheus had just closed the door to the closet when Ant burst in.


And just like that, he ran off.

"See you in 10 for a kidnapping?" Alpheus asked poking his head out of the closet.

"Ok, do you want me to do your nails again?"

"Yea, and you can tell me all about this Finn guy, maybe we can kidnap him too."

"He'd probably like that, his family can be a but much."

~~~~~time skip~~~~

Sure enough 10 minutes later Alpheus showed up in his sub, took Fontaine and then took off before Kaiko could yell at him.

"Hey Fontaine, setting a course for the dark orca now, why don't you call Finn and tell him we're coming."

Fontaine smiled, before picking up her tablet that she had brought with her and called Finn.

"Hello princess."

"Hello pirate boy."

"Where are you right now, that doesn't look like your sub."

"Oh I was kidnapped."


"Don't worry I asked him to kidnap me, anyway do you wanna be kidnapped too?"

Finn paused for a second.

"Does the kidnapper have snacks?"


"I'm in."

"Great see you in... Aria what's our eta."

"10 minutes."

"See you in 10 minutes."

Fontaine hung up before Finn could ask anymore questions. She then made her way towards Alpheus' living room.

"Hey Alpheus, can I put on some music?"

"Yea, go ahead."

Fontaine pulls up Spotify and scrolls until she finds Hamilton. She hits play and my shot starts to play through the speaker.

"You like Hamilton too?"

"Yes it's the best."

"I heard that they're going to be performing in London pretty soon, we should get tickets."

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now