Alpheus just stays on the Aronnax

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This is another one from the head cannons, the 'Alpheus just stays on the Aronnax.' Au.

After the Nektons left the Monumental jellyfish Kaiko insisted on giving Alpheus a check up, she wanted to make sure Alpheus wasn't hurt, Alpheus was doing everything in his power to get out of the check up he was insisting he was fine but Kaiko wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Alpheus you were in the jellyfishes stomach acid in nothing but a wetsuit, the acid damaged the rover and its made of titanium."

"I'm fine Mrs Nekton."

"No your not, if you have any burns I need to know."

Alpheus sighed.

"It's nothing, just a little bit on my arm."

"Let me see."

Alpheus held out his arm and Kaiko grabbed a bandage and some burn ointment.

"Your lucky its not to worse." Said as she applied the ointment.

"That stings."

"I know but it will stop any infections."

Kaiko rapped the bandage around the burn.

"You'll have to change the bandages everyday, I can help if you'd like."

"I'm good thanks, can I leave now."

Kaiko nodded and Alpheus walked off. Kaiko clean the study and then made her way to the bridge.

"Hey mum." Fontaine said as Kaiko walked in "Alpheus wants us to drop him off at the nearest island, buuut I was thinking we could check this reef first."

"I thought you wanted Alpheus off the sub as soon as possible?"

"I did, but he could really help me get revenge on Ant."

Kaiko smiled

"Sure, how far away if the reef."

"About a.. hundred miles."

"A hundred?"

"Yea but come on its supposed to be really nice this time of year."

Kaiko sighed.

"Do you really think Alpheus will stay onboard that long?"

Fontaine smiled

"What if we don't tell him, I mean I'm sure you'd love to keep him here for a few days."


Kaiko though for a few minutes, Alpheus was injured and didn't seem like the type to take care of himself properly.

"Let's do it."

After a few hours Alpheus walked onto the bridge.

"How long before you're dropping me off?"

"We want to check out this reef first, its shouldn't take very long."

Alpheus nodded and walked out. Ant turned to his mum.

"That reef is over a hundred miles away."

"Yea but he doesn't know that."

When they did finally get to the reef Alpheus was not impressed.

"You said this wouldn't take long."

"I lied."

Alpheus rolled his eyes but said nothing he, ended up spending most of his time on the Aronnax he wasn't allowed to swim and the Nektons didn't trust him enough to use their Knights just yet, but he was fine with that he spent most of the day in the study reading.

And the Nektons kidnapped another child

Please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Have a good day/night.

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