Kaiko x William

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This was requested by MihaelaAndrei3. I hope you enjoy

William was nervous, he and Kaiko had been dating for four years now and today he was going to ask her to marry him. He had the whole day planed, first they were heading to a small carnival where they'd docked it had some fun games and rides. For dinners William had booked one of her Favourite restaurants, they hadn't been there in almost a year and he knew Kaiko would love it. To end the day Will would take Kaiko to a cliff over looking the ocean, that's where they'd met and that's where he planned to propose.

The day went well, they'd gone on a few rides together and then Kaiko won Will a teddy bear from one of the carnival games she'd been so excited to give it to him. A few hours later they arrived at the restaurant, Kaiko immediately recognised it.

"Hey, this is my favourite restauran!"

"Yep, I thought you'd like it."

The dinner went great but William was still nervous, he kept checking to make sure the ring was still in his pocket. When they'd finished Will took Kaiko up to the top of the cliff, they stargazed and talked while William tried to suck up the courage to ask.


"Yes Will?"

"I was wondering." Will got down on one knee as he pulled out the ring. "Will you marry me?"

Kaiko forward and hugged him


William swung Kaiko around and kissed her.

They spent months planning the wedding, they'd picked out cakes and flowers. The dresses for the brides maids and suits for the grooms men had taken a little long but they got there in the end. Will hadn't seen Kaiko wedding dress, she wanted it to be a surprise but Will was sure she'd look beautiful she always did.

On the day of their wedding Will was panicking. Bob, his best man, was doing everything he could to try and calm him down. He was worried something would go wrong or that Kaiko would change her mind. Little did he know Kaiko was worried about the exact same thing. Will stayed nervous until the second Kaiko walked in through the door, she was stunning. As she walked down the William pictured their lives together, he wonder if they'd continue exploring the ocean together, he wondered if they'd have kids and he wondered how he'd gotten this far in life with out her

When all was said and done, they headed down to the reception dinner. William laughed when Kaiko shoved his head into the cake, he got her back by throwing a handful at her. Kaiko playfully punch his shoulder as the both headed up to the hotel room to get changed. Years later they'd look back on their wedding day and smile, it truly was one of the happiest days of their lives.

William and Kaiko are so cute together!!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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