Pyro adopts Alpheus au

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Pyro is getting real sick and tired of the Nektons sh*t

"Mrs Nekton for the last time, I can't tell you where Alpheus is being held."

"Why not!"

"Because you and you family will try and break him out!"

"He's my son!"

"No he's not. I'm afraid I have some business to attend to."

"Don’t you dare hang u-"

Pyromosome let out a sigh and opened her emails. She had received and email from her head of cyber security. When she opened it, it read.

'Hey Pyro, you're cyber security sucks.

Seriously it only took me like five minutes to get in, also the Nektons are attempting to break into your apartment I'm hiding in the closet.

Love your son, Alpheus'

Pyro sighed and called Kaiko back.

"Kaiko why us your family trying to break into my apartment?"

"Whaat? Nooo couldn't be us."

"I have a security camera."

"... sh*t."

"Tell them to leave before I call the police."


Pyrosome hung up once again and decided to leave early so she could check on Alpheus. She'd have to talk to the head of cyber security tomorrow.

When she got back to her apartment Ant Fontaine and William were all stood outside yelling.



Pyrosome stood silence for a couple of seconds before she sighed.

"William, please take your kids and leave before I call the police."

"Well one of my kids is in your apartment and I'm not leaving without him."

"...Alpheus do you want to go with the Nektons?"



"William, leave my son alone."


Everyone looked at Pyrosome. Pyrosome simply reached into her bag and pulled out a few papers.

"Unlike Kaiko it took legalities into account. I officially adopted Alpheus two days ago."

"Let me see those!"

Pyrosome handed him the papers and he began to comb through it. After a few minutes he handed them back.

"This isn't over Pyrosome."

"I think it is, goodbye William."

Pyrosome waited until the Nektons were out of sight before she opened the door, only to find it barricaded.


"It's ok Alpheus. I understand."

After a few minutes Alpheus had removed the barricade and Pyrosome was in the kitchen making lunch. Alpheus was cleaning up, the Nektons had knocked over a few things when they broke in. They were almost done when there was a loud banging at the door.


Alpheus looked over at the door them back at Pyrosome.

"Is there any chance I could jump out that window?" Alpheus whispered.

"No, go wait in your room I'll handle this."

"Thank you!"


Alpheus immediately ran to his room, Pyrosome heard him lock the door. She took a deep breath before she opened the door.

"Hello Kaiko, can I help you?"

"Where is he!"

"Where is who?"

"My son!"

"Oh Antaeus, I think he just left."

"I'm talking about Alpheus!"

"Alpheus is my son, not yours."

Kaiko was furious. Pyrosome knew she wasn't going to win so instead of trying she just shut the door. Kaiko continued to yell for a good ten minutes before it was quite. Pyro and Alpheus both hoped  it was over, but just incase Pyrosome started looking for a new apartment.

The custody war begins!

Witch au should I do next? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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