Hogwarts au

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The gang being chaotic. Enjoy!

When they walked into the great hall Ant couldn't believe his eyes. He was looking around taking in all the sights when he noticed hid sister sat at Ravenclaw table beside Alpheus. The pair were talking no doubt about how to screw with Umbridge. He'd had to talk Fontaine out of a murder attempt while on the train and he wasn't looking forward to what ever the pair was planning.

When he finally layed eyes on Umbridge he was confused, he didn't know why the others were making such a fuss she didn't look all that bad. Ant was stood near the front as he waited for his name to be called. When it finally was, he walked up and nervously sat down. He tunned out the sorting hat as he looked out over the hall and saw Alpheus and Fontaine at Ravenclaw, they were looking at him smiling. He glanced over to Slytherin where Alana was sat, she waved at him then when beck to eating what ever snack she'd snuck in. Ant sighed shook his head slightly then looked over to Finn he was excitedly yelling at someone on the other side of the long table. Ant smiled then looked over to Gryffindor, Kayda and several other Gryffindors were climbing onto the table they were silently doing the Macarena.

"GRYFFINDOR!!" Yelled the sorting hat.

Ant ran down and made his way to Kayda.

"What are you doing?"

"Seeing how many of us can get on the table before Umbridge notices. Wanna join?"

"Hell yea!"

Ant was pulled up onto the table by several other Gryffindors.

They managed to get the hole table onboard, Umbridge was to focused on the first years to notice. The Gryffindors started trying to get the Hufflepuff's attentp
ion. It wasn't long before the Hufflepuff's were dancing too.


The houses immediately jumped off the table.


"Headmaster, why are you yelling?" McGonagall asked.

"Did you not see all the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors on the table?"

"No Headmaster, no one was dancing."

Kayda looked around for a moment, then she stood up and climbed onto the table. She started dancing again and it took less than five minutes before both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor where dancing again.

"How can you not see them!"

"Headmaster are you feeling alright?"

Now the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were trying to convince the Ravenclaws to get on the table. Fontaine and Alpheus where both shaking their heads.

"We have to."

"But we'll look like idiots."

"I know, but look how made Umbridge is, and this is the perfect distraction!"

"... fine you start dancing I'll set up the glitter cannon."

Fontaine immediately jumped up onto the table and joined in. It took a few minutes before the rest of the table slowly started to join in. Soon it was Slytherins turn there was zero hesitation as Slytherin climbed up onto the table. Umbridge was practically foaming at the mouth while yelling at the teachers for not seeing what was right in front of them.

In the confusion Alpheus had managed to sneak behind Umbridge's seat he recited a spell he had learn to make a massive explosion of glitter, he had only a few seconds to run before it went off showing Umbridge in glitter.

I love the idea of everyone working together to f*ck with Umbridge. Gryffindor and Slytherin are like 'I hate you, you hate me but we hate Umbridge more so let's work together.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now