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Alpheus was swimming through a coral reef Kai was beside him she was stopping it look at ever coop fish or rock Alpheus didn't mind they weren't doing anything important just looking. Alpheus heard something from the deeper waters beyond the reef, Kai heard it too, the two headed out carefully. A few minutes later they spotted an injured thunder drum, they wing was pinned under a rock. Alpheus knew the thunder drum couldn't stay down her forever, he looked over to Kai she looked just as worried. He opened her helmet just long enough for Kai to shoot a plasma blast to destroy the rock, as soon as she had he closed the helmet. The thunder drum was to injured to surface on its own so Alpheus brought Aria as close to the thunder drum as he could then he and Kai lifted him into the moon pool room. Alpheus x-rayed his wing to see how bad the brake was.
He named the thunder drum Tornado, when he tried to take Tornado back to the sanctuary he refused to stay, he followed Alpheus everywhere so Alpheus let him stay with him he had plenty of room.

Kayda was walking through a forest, it was getting dark and she needed to get back the Aria. She was almost there when she was knocked over, when she looked to see what it was there was a baby Scuttleclaw, he was shivering trying to get as close to Kayda as he could. Kayda took off her hoodie and gently rapped the little guy in it, she then continued her walk home. When she got there Luner was waiting at the air lock for her, he sniffed the hatchling curiously. Kayda headed down the the hatchery so she could get the baby clean and fed. Alpheus found her a few hours later asleep on the floor with the new baby and Luner curled up next to her, he sighed and lifted her up Luner lifted the baby and they brought them to Kayda's room.

Alpheus was getting real sick and tired of this, he was walking through a forest minding his own business when out of nowhere a changewing grabbed him. He'd spent the past two hours being smothered by a Changewing. He was really mad at Kai because all she would do was sun bathe and laugh. He finally got free when they fell asleep.

Kai had seen a lot of weird dragons and wonderful dragons in her time, but this one took the cake, they were only a baby but they were taller than her. The hatchling had moose like antlers and an axe shaped tail. The hatchling seemed scared of Kai so she tried her best to show them she wasn't a threat, when that didn't work Kai when off to hunt hopefully some food would make the hatchling feel better. When she returned the hatchling was still there, she dropped the food and the backed off she didn't want to scare the hatchling. When the hatchling had eaten Kai walked towards them, this time the hatchling let her. She was able to get her hatchling back home pretty easily after that, her human looked at her a little funny when they walked in but he didn't say anything, he knew the hatchling was staying and there was nothing he could do about it.

Alpheus needs a break from his dragons antics.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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