Prank war au

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AshyGurl101 suggested this hope you enjoy.

Fontaine was chilling on Alpheus' floor when she got a notification. Apparently Finn got the same one.

"Oh great."


"Devil Daniels is live."

"Wait, isn't he the prick who locked that whale up?"

"Yea that's him, God he's annoying."

"I mean you would know didn't you kidnap him?"

"Yes Fontaine, we regretted it almost immediately. Honestly I'm surprised Alana didn't throw him overboard."

"What's he doing anyway?"

"He's checking out this ancient underwater ruin."

"Let me see."

Alpheus takes Finns tablet.

"Aria lock onto his location, then set a course."

"Wait what are you doing."

"That sight is Lumurian and I hate that guy, so we are going to screw with him."


"Yes Maddy you can use the glitter gun, just make sure the glitter is bio degradable."

"Deal let's go."


Everyone turns to look at Fontaine.

"Ant would really enjoy this."

"So we rub it in his face that we get mess with Daniel and he doesn't?"

"You read my mind."

Half an hour later they arrived at Daniels location, they snuck aboard the ship and put their plan into action. Finn and Fontaine set up paint and glue buckets above every door, Alpheus set up trip wires that when triggered would set of loud annoying alarms, and Maddy found a cupboard and hid in it holding her glitter cannon.

When Daniels came back inside after dealing with the Nektons and their son, he was caught off guard when a bucket of paint fell on his head, he was very confused when alarms started blaring, then when he finally got to the kitchen, getting another bucket this time with glue dropped on his head, we was surprised when a child jumped out of his cupboard and started attacking him with a glitter gun.


Daniels ran back to the deck where the Nektons were talking to these strange boys.



The boys both ran for the rover parked near by, followed by Fontaine and the girl who covered him in glitter. Daniels turned to the Nektons.


"The boy with blue hair kidnapped our daughter, now they're apparently friends."

"So you had nothing to do with this?"

"Nope, and Daniels."


"You're live."

Daniels immediately runs to turn off his cameras setting of more alarms in the process.

"You know I'm starting to like Alpheus." Ant said with a smile.

"No don't you dare get kidnapped, we still need to get Fontaine back."

"I'm just saying."

Yea I think Alpheus would have hated Daniels.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas.

Have a good day/night

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