Best friends au

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I haven't done one in a while.

Finn woke up in the middle of the screaming, he'd had another nightmare. He'd been lucky, the last few nights he'd never woken anyone up but this night Alpheus had been in his study working on a late night project. He Alpheus heard the scream he dropped everything and ran to Finn's room. When he got there Finn was in tears, Alpheus walked towards him he reached out to put his hand on Finn's shoulder and Finn flinch away.

"Finn, its ok its me."

Finn was shaking, he back away from Alpheus as he tried to get closer.

"It's ok Finn, I'm not gonna hurt you I promise."

Alpheus backed away and sat at the end of Finn's bed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

".. no."

"Ok, why don't we go make some hot chocolate, would you like that?"


Finn followed Alpheus to the kitchen and sat down at the table. Neither of them said anything as they drunk their hot chocolates. Once they finished Alpheus put the dishes into the sink.

"Do you want to go to bed now."

"No, can we just stay up a little longer please?"

"Of course, do you want to watch a movie maybe take your mind off things."

Finn nodded and followed Alpheus to the living room. Finn put on big hero six and then sat down on the sofa.

"I'm gonna go get some blankets is that ok?"

"No, please don't leave."

Alpheus looked over to Finn, he was exhausted and clearly cold. Alpheus didn't say anything he just walked over to Finn and sat beside him.

"Thank you."



Less than ten minutes into the movie Finn fell asleep. Alpheus turned the movie off, he waited a few minutes before he picked Finn up and took him to bed. He walked over to Finns desk and sat down in the chair, Finn had asked him not to leave so he wasn't going to.

When Finn woke up the next day he was in his bed, he sat up and that's when he noticed Alpheus asleep at his desk. Finn was surprised he actually stayed, Finn though Alpheus would leave him after he fell asleep but he didn't. Finn walked over to Alpheus and woke him up.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Alpheus groaned as he sat up.

"Probably, how are you feeling?"

"Better than last night, thanks by the way."

"Anytime, call me if you need anything ok."

Alpheus went to leave the room but Finn stopped him.

"Why don't you just sleep here, knowing you I'll probably find you passed out on the floor."

"Yea that sounds about right."

Alpheus walked over to Finns bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Finn looked over at him for a few minutes before he walked away.

Aaayy I finished another one, honestly don't know how I'm still going.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now