Blind Alpheus au

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So we know Alpheus experiments a lot, but what would happen when one goes wrong? Enjoy!

For the last six days Alpheus had been working on a new project. He was trying to make his emps more accurate as they had a tendency to miss. He'd just finished as decided to do a test run. As soon as they powered on they exploded. Alpheus was thrown against a wall and was knocked out. Aria did the only thing she could do and looked for someone who could help.

Alana was out helping the rest of the crew load treasure onto the dark orca. She was really bored and desperately looking for a way out when suddenly a submarine appeared. The submarine came up beside her and opened the air lock. She heard Hammerhead give orders something about taking the sub for his mighty fleet but Alana didn't really care. She swam into the air lock and as soon as she did it locked behind her. The water started draining and she turned to look out the window.

"... well at least I don't have to gather treasure.... oh look the Nektons finally arrived ..... oh they brought the woa...glad I don't have to deal with that."

"Hello Alana."

Alana scream and turned around.

"My apologies for scaring you, I require your assistance."

"Ok disembodied voice, how can I help?"

The doors to the rest of the submarine opened.

"Alpheus was doing another experiment and there was an accident, he is injured and needs help."

"Well I would have kidnapped Kaiko she's better at this than me."

"I'm afraid that is not an option, take a left."

Alana was guided to Alpheus' study. He was still unconscious on the floor when she got there.

"Heart rates good and he's still breathing. Do you have a med bay I need to get some stuff?"

"Yes go out and take a right."

Luckily for Alana the med bay wasn't far, she managed to drag Alpheus there pretty quickly. She layed him down on the table and got to work.

"It looks like he'll be ok. He just needs to take it easy for a few days."

"Thank you for your help."

"No problem."

Alana sat down on a chair, she wanted to wait until Alpheus woke up before she left. She was really just looking for an excuse to stay long it was nice on this sub.

A few hours later Alpheus woke up.

"Hey are you ok?"

Alpheus turned to the voice but all he could see was pitch black.

"Aria why are the lights off?"

"The lights are on Alpheus."

Alana stood up and walked towards him.

"Who's there?!"

"Hi, I'm Alana your submarine kinda kidnapped me. Can you hold still for a second and let me take a look at your eyes?"


After a few minutes Alana spoke up again.

"This doesn't look good, I think this might be permanent."


"I'm sorry Alpheus."

Alpheus sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Hey take it easy."

"I'm fine."

"You are definitely not fine."

Alana put a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you lie back down?"

"I don't have time."

Alana sighed.

"Fine, where do you wanna go?"

"I need to go to my study."

"So you can blow yourself up again, I don't think so."

"No I just need to finish my emps."

Alpheus stood up and started walking only to immediately hit a wall.

"Hey Aria, could you warn me before I hit a wall!"

"My apologies Alpheus."

Alpheus started walking around trying to find the door.



".... table."

"Ow f*ck."

"...... and you're back at the bed."


Alana stood up. She grabbed his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"As funny as it is watching you run into everything Aria went through a lot of trouble to make sure you were ok and I don't think she'd like to see you get hurt."

Alpheus groaned.

"I'm fine!"

"Suuure, keep telling yourself that."

Alana lead Alpheus out of the room a down the hall back to his study.

"Here's the deal, I'll fix your emps if you agree to take a break."

"... fine."

"Great! Now sit down."


"Don't make me sedate you."

Alana dragged him over to a seat.

"Now sit."

Alpheus gave in and sat down. Alana picked up one of the emps off the floor. The mother board was toast but the rest looked salvageable. She sat down and got to work.

Alana has to deal with a stubborn Alpheus who is determined to do things on his own all while avoiding the woa, what could possibly go wrong?

I've started naming my aus so you guys can find the ones you like easier. If I don't have a name they'll get a number until I think of one or ones suggested.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's in your own works!

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