Super hero au

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More from the super hero au cause its the only thing I can seem to write, enjoy and please let me know what you'd like to see next.

Kaiko had been called out again, she was dealing with a notorious band of villains known as the dark orca. They were robbing a bank.

'What is with villains and banks?'

Kaiko was distracted thinking about all the times she had to stop a villain from robbing a bank when she was jumped by hammerhead and his gang. She made eye contact with his very guilty looking son. Kaiko sighed it was going to be a long night.

Alpheus was having a normal day, he'd finished his shift at a local coffee shop, and was walking home. When he got there he was greeted by Kayda, his roommate and partner in crime. They had sat down and turned on the news.

"In other words the Dove and the Raven are still at large, police and hero's alike are still unsure about there motives but warrants maybe issued for there arrest some time in the future."

Alpheus switched channels.

"God I hate those names," Alpheus said " seriously they couldn't have picked anything else?"

"Your just mad cause they're calling you a dove."

"Shut up."

Kayda reached over and switched back over to the news.

"Breaking news, the super hero Sparks has been captured by the dark orca, we are unsure if our favourite hero will ever be saved, no ransom has been posted, we will keep you updated as we get our information."

Kayda turned to Alpheus.

"Looks like we have to save Kaiko."


Five minutes later Alpheus and Kayda were running across the roof tops of the moon lit city. They kept to the shadows Kayda's power was the ability to control and turn into shadows, she could use them to form sheilds weapons wings and many other things, she for some reason couldn't go in salt water, it would burn her and dissolve her shadows. Using Kayda's powers it didn't take long to get to the dark orcas base. Alpheus started to hack his way into the system as Kayda caught her breath, she could move through shadows on her own easy enough but taking other people with her was tiring.

"Ok it looks like there is only one cell that could hold Kaiko, its made of a titanium alloy."

"So sick to the shadows and bust down the door?"

"How about you just stick to the shadows and slip in through the cracks?"

"Please my shadows can rip titanium apart."

"Yea but can you get both you and Sparks out after?"

"Well we're about to find out."

With that Kayda disappeared. Alpheus sighed and started taking down the dark orca's security system. It was surprisingly easy. Alpheus didn't have any powers he never really needed them he was a strong fighter and always had his robots to back him up, having Kayda near by was a real confidence boost, she could take down an entire army if she wanted to, but the after mass would be a night mare, Alpheus had band her from over working herself after she was bed ridden for days, coughing and vomiting black goo, she was really weak for days after that.

He was brought back put of thus thoughts when his computer dinged, he had finally downloaded the entirety of the dark orcas data base. Not a moment later Kayda arrived with Sparks standing beside her, Sparks looked like she was going to fall over, Alpheus couldn't blame her, travelling through Kayda's shadows could be very disorientating.

"Are you ok there?"

"How do you stomach that?" Sparks said as she pulled down her mask and vomiting into an alleyway.

"You get use to it." Alpheus said as he stood up."Also please tell the news to come up with new names for us."

"You just hate being called dove all the time."

"Shut it."

Alpheus walked over to Kayda and linked arms, just like that they both disappeared into shadows. Kaiko stood there, she never even got to thank them.

Yea Alpheus is so done with these new presenters

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

Thanks for reading, I'm having some writing block at the minute so any suggestions are greatly appreciated have a good day/night

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