Kaiko adopting kids au

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Another Kaiko adopts every child in the ocean au.

A few days after Kaiko had taken Finn and Maddy Alana was walking around the floating market, the dark orcas engine had failed again and she needed parts to repair it. She was half way done when Ant ran up to her.


Alana didn't have time to think she followed Ant as he ran back to the Aronnax. When they got there Ant lead her down a hall and opened a random door. Alana walked in only to find out it was a bed room.

"What's going on?"

Before Alana could react Ant locked to door.

"What, HEY!!"

Alana banged on the door.


Ant ran down the hall to the bridge. When he got there Kaiko was waiting.

"Did you get her?"


"Great, let's go."

Kaiko started the engines and they pulled away from the floating market. As soon the market was out of sight Ant let Alana out of her room, she was not happy.

"Why me?"

"Mum's on a mission to adopt every kid in the ocean and you're a kid."

"Who told you!?"


"I'm gonna kill her!"

Alana stormed off, Ant decided to follow her. He found her in the kitchen dragging Maddy out.



Ant smiled.

"Alana, can I help?"

An hour later Maddy was tied to a chair in the bathroom with bright orange hair, Ant was dieing of laughter.

"I'm gonna kill you."

"Good luck Maddy!"

Finn walked in, he stopped and took in the scene before him. He slowly backed out, but it was too late Ant and Alana started chasing him. Twenty minutes later Finn had bright orange hair just like his sister. Less than a minute later Fontaine walked in, she knew her fate was sealed as soon as she saw Finn and Maddy's hair. Fontaine didn't even put up a fight as she was dragged into the bathroom by Ant and Alana.

When Kaiko came to find then for dinner she found Maddy Finn and Fontaine all tied to chairs with orange hair. Ant and Alana were sitting nearby.

"What happened here!?"

"Revenge happened her."

Kaiko didn't question it any further, she untied everyone then lead them to the kitchen for dinner. Will did a double take when they walked in.

"What happened to you?"

"I told Kaiko Alana is still a kid."

"Oh is that why she's here?"


"Well welcome to the family Alana, no you can't leave."

"Trust me I've tried." Maddy said as she grabbed a slice of pizza.

Alana sat down at the table as the Nektons began planning their next 'adoption'. A boy named Alpheus, the Nektons had been trying to adopt him for months but he kept getting away. Kaiko seemed worried about him, she said something about him being reckless and irresponsible. To Alana he sounded like he was avoiding the Nektons but it sounded like fun, so she decided to help.

Ant basiclly looks at Alana and goes 'that's sibling material right there'

I've got a meme.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

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