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Alpheus banned Kai from adopting random dragons... so she pulled a Kaiko.

Finn was board. There was absolutely nothing to do on the floating market. They'd already sold all of the 'treasure' so now Finn was just wondering around looking for something to do. He was just about to give up when he heard a coo. He turned to where the noise came from. It was a small alleyway but he didn't see anything. He decided to check it out. He walked in and suddenly a dragon appeared out of no where. He was about to run when they lunged at him. They grabbed him and took off.


Finn looked down and realised they were miles above the ocean. Finn clutched onto on of their legs.


The dragon cooed lowering their head to look at him. Finn was shaking. Kai asummed he was cold, so she decided to hurry back. A few minutes later Alpheus' sub came into view. Finn saw several other dragons out on deck.

When Kai landed she gently grabbed the back of his shirt and took him to her nest. On their way there some guy saw them.

"... Kai, when I said you weren't allowed to adopt anymore dragons I did not mean you could adopt random kids!"

Finn sighed. If this guy was yelling at this dragon then they must be friendly. The dragon purred.

"Drop him."

The dragon whined.


Kai let out a huff then bolted.


They guy ran after them. He found them in the nest. Finn was still very shocked about what had just happened.

"Kai you can't keep him!"

Kai shot a small plasma blast at him as if you say 'what you gonna do about it.'

"I'm sorry, can you tell me why I'm here?"

The guy sighed.

"I'm Alpheus, this is Kai my dragon. She has a tendency to adopt dragons. I told her yesterday that she couldn't adopt anymore dragons so I'm guessing she adopted you instead."

"Why are you acting so calm?"

"She's adopted dragons ten times the size of my sub. Honestly a random kid is so much better."

"My names Finn."

"Well it's nice to meet you. Get comfortable you're not leaving any time soon."

Seconds later another dragon came in.

"Seriously Melody again? I was on a call with Jess!"


Fontaine was dropped in a nest next to him. She was holding a small baby dragon.

"Oh hi Finn!"

Finn was shocked.

"Hey Fontaine, welcome back."

Fontaine smiled.

"Is the WiFi password still the same?"


Fontaine stood up and then was immediately dragged back into the nest by Melody.

"Melody come ooon, I'll be back."

"Why are you so calm!?"

Fontaine looked at Alpheus confused.

"Kai dragged him here like five minutes ago."

"Ohh. Don't worry Finn you'll get use to it."

Finn didn't know how to feel about that. Kai noticed how anxious he looked and started cooing.

"What is she doing?"

"She's just checking on you, she wants to make sure you're ok."

After a few seconds Kai was satisfied and lied back down. Kai eventually let Finn get our of the nest but she wouldn't let him leave the sub for a few days.

Alpheus thought banning Kai from adopting dragons would solve all his problems, but now Kai's gonna drag every kid in the ocean onto his sub.

Kaiko and Kai are gonna team up at some point.

Thanks for reading please leave any thoughts or suggestions in the comments and feel free to use any of my ideas or oc's

The Deep Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now